王卫东,李振华,顾光跃,班宜红,刘亚文.双频激电法在内蒙古曹四夭钼矿勘查中的应用[J].矿产勘查,2014,5(5):789-795 |
双频激电法在内蒙古曹四夭钼矿勘查中的应用 |
Application of dual frequency induced polarization in Caosiyao molybdenum deposit area, Inner Mongolia |
投稿时间:2014-01-16 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 钼矿床 双频激电 视幅频率 内蒙古 曹四夭 |
英文关键词: molybdenum deposit dual frequency induced polarization apparent amplitude Caosiyao Inner Mongolia |
基金项目:国家十二五攻关项目(编号:09-1-KC045)、中国地质调查局科研项目(编号:资[2011]03-01-64)共同资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 2038 |
全文下载次数: 1266 |
中文摘要: |
内蒙古兴和县曹四夭钼矿区位于内蒙古台隆凉城断隆东部,属华北地台北缘活动带。赋矿围岩为集宁岩群黄土窑岩组的浅粒岩及片麻岩。根据物性综合分析结果,采用双频激电法对曹四夭矿区进行了激发极化面积性测量,得到了较可靠的视幅频率高值异常区。高值异常带明显与岩浆热液活动矿化蚀变形成的黄铁矿等硫化物有关,后经大规模钻探验证,幅频率Fs高值异常区与钼矿见矿范围高度吻合,总体分布形态与化探(Mo+Zn+W)/(Cu+As+Sb)等值线梯度带特征亦非常吻合。综合分析表明,双频激电法具有精度高、轻便、抗干扰能力强、效率高等优点,对寻找此类矿床有良好的效果。 |
英文摘要: |
The Caosiyao molybdenum deposit area located in the Xinghe county, Inner Mongolia, occurs in the easten part of Tailong-Liangcheng rift and uplift, nearby margin active belt of the North China platform. The host rocks are leucoleptite and gneiss of Huangtuyao formation of Jining group. According to the results of a comprehensive analysis of the physical properties, the dual-frequency induced polarization survey was conducted in the Caosiyao deposit area,the reliable anomalous areas with high value of the apparent amplitude were delineated. The high value of anomalies are closely related to the sulphides such as pyrite which were formed by the magmatic hydrothermal alteration and mineralization. By the test drilling, it was found that the anomalous areas with high values of Fs are consistent with molybdenum mineralization scope. And also the overall distribution of the anomalies are highly consistent with the gradient lineament features of geochemical contours of (Mo + Zn + W) / (Cu + As + Sb) ratio.The comprehensive analysis result shows that induced polarization method has advantages of high precision, easy carrying, strong anti-interference ability and high efficiency, and has effective prospecting result for this type of deposit. |
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