Study on extraction of lithological information by multi-sources remote sensing data in magmatic region:Case study in the Kanggur area, Xinjiang
中文关键词: 新疆  康古尔地区  岩性差异增强  光谱特征  landsat8  多光谱
英文关键词: lithological differences enhancement, spectral characteristics, Landsat8 OLI, multispectral, Kanggur area, Xinjiang
张登荣 杭州师范大学遥感与地球科学研究所,杭州 311000 
路海峰 杭州师范大学遥感与地球科学研究所,杭州 311000 
吴文渊 杭州师范大学遥感与地球科学研究所,杭州 311000 
韩贤华 杭州师范大学遥感与地球科学研究所,杭州 311000 
杨金中 中国国土资源航空物探遥感中心,北京 100083 
王跃峰 河南省地质调查院, 郑州 450007 
摘要点击次数: 2454
全文下载次数: 1198
      康古尔地区位于板块结合带上,韧性剪切带群附近,地质构造复杂,成矿条件优越,具有良好的找矿前景。文章利用ASTER、Landsat8 OLI、SPOT5等多源遥感数据,在分析了研究区实测典型岩性光谱特征的基础上,充分利用多源遥感数据的光谱、空间信息进行不同岩性单元岩性差异的增强与识别提取对比分析研究,提出了一套利用多源遥感数据增强暗色矿物含量不同的岩浆岩岩性单元间的边界划分方法。试验中利用ASTER R(B2/B1)G(B2/B4)B(B8/B9) 、Landsat 8 OLI R(B4/B3)G(B4/B6)B(B7) ASTER与SPOT5协同数据R(B2/B1)G(B2/B4)B(B8/B9)比值波段假彩色合成的方法进行岩性差异信息增强,获得的岩性边界与前人地质资料、野外实际调查结果基本吻合,为该地区地质图优化与矿产资源勘查提供重要参考。
      The Kanggur area is located in jointed plate belt, the geological structures are complicated nearby the ductile shear zone, where favorable metallogenic conditions occur and there are good exploration prospects. Based on ASTER, Landsat8 OLI and SPOT5 remote sensing data and the study of spectral features of the measured typical lithological rocks in the study area, the comparative analysis of the difference enhancement, extraction and recognition between different lithological units was carried out by using spectral features and spatial information of multi-source remote sensing data, and a set of lithological boundary classification among magmatic rocks with varied dark mineral contents based on multi-sources remote sensing data. In the experiment, lithological difference enhancement was conducted by using ratio band false color composite method based on the collaborative data of ASTER R (B2/B1) G (B2/B4) B (B8/B9), Landsat 8 OLI R (B4/ B3) G (B4/B6) B (B7) ASTER data and SPOT5 R (B2 / B1) G (B2 / B4) B (B8 / B9). The experimental lithological boundary result is consistent with previous geological data and field investigation, which provides key references for geological mapping optimization and mineral exploration.
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