Characteristics of ore-controlling genesis facies and metallogenicregularity in Bayanwula uranium ore deposit
中文关键词: 控矿成因相  控矿沉积体系  控矿体系域  成矿规律  巴彦乌拉铀矿床
英文关键词: ore-controlling genesis facies, ore-controlling depositional system, ore-controlling systemdomain, metallogenic regularity, Bayanwula uranium ore deposit
刘波 吉林大学地球科学学院,长春 130000
核工业二〇八大队,包头 014010 
杨建新 核工业二〇八大队,包头 014010 
乔宝成 内蒙古地质矿产勘查院,呼和浩特 010010 
童波林 核工业二〇八大队,包头 014010 
张锋 核工业二〇八大队,包头 014010 
摘要点击次数: 2977
全文下载次数: 1892
      The Bayanwula sandstone type uranium deposit is located in the western part of Manite depression. Based on study of ore-controlling genesis facies, the characteristics of ore-controlling system domain, ore-controlling depositional system, ore-controlling structures were studied and the metallogenic regularities were summarized. The ore-controlling genesis facies is identified as braided channel river-interlayer oxidation type and the ore-controlling system domain is regressive stage system domain. The ore body and mineralizated anomalies mainly occur in the prograduated and aggradated parasequence set. The ore-controlling depositional system is braided river depositional system, the ore-controlling subfacies is braided river channel, and microfacies is channel bars. The ore-controlling structure surfaces mainly are geochemical and physical structural surfaces. In geochemical characteristics is characterized with the oxidated reduction geochemical barrier which mainly control the deposit deposition. It can be subdivided into oxidation zone, redox transitional zone and reduction zone in the horizontal direction. Based on the analysis of valence state uranium, it is thought that the mechanical and adsorption process play an important role for mineralization precipitation due to fluid dynamics changes. Through the ore-controlling genesis facies study, it is valuable for guiding the prospecting in the surrounding area of Bayanwula uranium ore deposit and other areas.
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