Analysis on spatial pattern of Sanjiang occurrences based on GIS
中文关键词: 矿点  最邻近点指数  局部自相关  核密度
英文关键词: occurrence, nearest neighbor index, local autocorrelation, kernel density
陈娟 成都理工大学地球科学学院,成都 610059 
何政委 成都理工大学地球科学学院,成都 610059 
赵银兵 成都理工大学旅游与规划学院,成都 610059 
摘要点击次数: 1931
全文下载次数: 1185
      Sanjiang region of southwestern China is an important storage of mineral resources. This paper uses the nearest neighbor index, local autocorrelation and kernel density methods on the basis of deposits (occurrences) data to analyze the spatial pattern of theses occurrences in different spatial scales. The results indicate that the distribution of these occurrences has an obvious decreasing trend from north to south, and firstly increasing then decreasing from west to east. The nearest neighbor index of 0.72 shows that the distribution of these occurrences has certain of aggregation. The distribution on county scale from Leiwuqi County in the west to Dege County in the east is HL clustered, vertical direction from Dege County to Xianggelila County、Deqin County to Yunlong County are HH clustered. Kernel density shows that the occurrences mainly gather in the north of the region with multiple centers. The distribution of them is obviously controlled by structure, of which is dominated by northwest-southeast and nearly south-north distribution, and is consistent with regional tectonic direction. The study has great significance to mineral resources exploration and environmental governance.
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