吴燕清,王世成,丁园,余弘龙,李杨,王文正.内蒙古新城子火山盆地遥感解译及铀成矿预测[J].矿产勘查,2019,(8):1863-1871 |
内蒙古新城子火山盆地遥感解译及铀成矿预测 |
Remote sensing interpretation and uranium metallogenic prediction of Xinchengzi volcanic basin, Inner Mongolia |
投稿时间:2019-02-12 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 新城子火山盆地 遥感解译 火山岩型铀矿 铀成矿预测 |
英文关键词: Xinchengzi volcanic basin,remote sensing interpretation,volcanic rock type uranium deposit,uranium metallogenic prediction |
基金项目:中国核工业地质局铀矿调查评价项目内蒙古林西县—巴林右旗铀矿资源调查(编号:201824)资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 2240 |
全文下载次数: 173 |
中文摘要: |
内蒙古新城子火山盆地位于大兴安岭南端及扎兰屯火山岩型铀成矿远景带南端,盆地内中生代火山活动频繁且强烈,主要发育火山岩型铀矿。笔者利用Landsat ETM及高分一号遥感数据,对研究区进行了系统构造解译及蚀变信息提取,结合已有地质资料,初步确定了研究区以NE、NW、近EW、近NS向4组线性构造为构造格架。最终根据构造、铀矿化、遥感蚀变等信息圈定3处找矿远景区,期望为该区下一步铀矿地质找矿工作提供依据。 |
英文摘要: |
Xinchengzi volcanic basin is located in the south of Greater Khingan Range and Zhalantun volcanic uranium metallogenic prospective region. The Mesozoic volcanic activities in the basin were intense and widespread, which mainly formed volcanic-type uranium mineralization. We used Landsat ETM and High-resolution-1 remote sensing data to interpret the structural feature of the research area and to extract alteration information. Combining the existing geological data and the remote sensing interpretation results, we confirm that four linear structures formed the tectonic framework of the research area. Based on the information related to the structural information, uranium mineralization and remote sensing alteration, 3 places of uranium metallogenic prospective region have been identified. It is expected to provide suggestions to uranium mineralization prospection in this area. |
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