Hydrogeological conditions and prediction of pit water inrush in Hongqigou-Shenshuitan gold deposit in Doulan County, Qinghai Province
中文关键词: 金矿  水文地质条件  矿坑涌水量  矿山开采工程  红旗沟—深水潭  青海
英文关键词: gold deposit, hydrogeological conditions, Pit water inrush,mining engineering, Hongqigou-Shenshuitan,Qinghai Province
崔义文 青海省第一地质勘查院,海东 810699 261567033@qq.com 
文相正 青海省第一地质勘查院,海东 810699  
摘要点击次数: 1806
全文下载次数: 82
      In this paper, the hydrogeological conditions and the prediction of pit water inrush are carried out for the Hongqigou-Shenshuitan gold deposit in Doulan, Qinghai Province, and the results show that the hydrogeological unit of Hongqigou-Shenshuitan gold deposit can be divided into quaternary loose rock pore water and bedrock fractured water, the latter containing massive bedrock fractured water and layered bedrock fractured water; Gold deposits are produced in the Bedrock mountains above the local erosion datum, therefore, the fourth system of loose rock pore water is not the direct recharge water source of the deposit, the orebody is mostly produced in the tectonic crushing zone and the alteration contact crushing zone, but also for the block bedrock fractured water and layered bedrock fractured water, therefore, The fractured water of fractured water and layered bedrock of massive bedrock is the direct recharge water source of the deposit, and the prediction of the first mining section of the Hongqigou-Shenshuitan is 115~265m3/d, the water inrush is small, the water inrush in the pit is proportional to the atmospheric precipitation, and the seasonal variation is obvious. However, in general, the water inrush gradually decreases with the increase of mining time.
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