杨栋栋.山东五莲街头金及多金属矿地质特征及找矿前景[J].矿产勘查,2020,11(2):249-255 |
山东五莲街头金及多金属矿地质特征及找矿前景 |
Geological characteristics and prospecting prospect of gold and polymetallic deposit in Wulian Jietou area,Shandong Province |
投稿时间:2019-05-15 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 金及多金属矿 地质特征 找矿前景 五莲街头 山东 |
英文关键词: gold and polymetallic deposit,geological characteristics,prospecting prospect,Jietou area of Wulian Country,Shandong Province |
基金项目:省级地质勘查找矿项目(编号:日勘字(2016)04号)资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 1512 |
全文下载次数: 119 |
中文摘要: |
在对区域成矿地质背景认识的基础上,详细剖析了街头金及多金属矿的矿区地质和矿床地质特征,初步认为该矿床为中-低温热液蚀变岩型金矿床,控矿因素主要为区域铨园—迟家庄断裂的近南北向次级断裂和会稽山岩体,主要成矿部位为青山群石前庄组地层与崂山序列会稽山单元中粗粒二长花岗岩岩体的外接触带,主要找矿标志为石前庄组地层内发育的一系列近南北向硅化、绢英岩化构造破碎带。通过对地质、化探等资料分析发现矿金矿体,固定一处矿化,认为该区具有较好的找矿前景。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the understanding of regional metallogenic geological background,the geological characteristics of gold and polymetallic deposit in Jietou Area are analyzed in detail. The genesis and prospecting criteria of the deposit are discussed. The prospecting prospect of the area is preliminarily prospected and the prospecting direction is put forward. It is preliminarily considered that the deposit is a medium-low temperature hydrothermal altered rock type gold deposit. The main ore-controlling factors are Near-N-S-trending secondary faults of Quanyuan-Chijiazhuang regional faults and Kuaijishan rock mass. The metallogenesis is mainly developed in the external contact zone between the Stratigraphy of Shiqianzhuang Formation of Qingshan Group and the medium-coarse-grained monzonitic granite of Kuaijishan Unit of Laoshan Sequence. The main prospecting indicators is a series of tectonic fracture zones of nearly N-S-trending silicified and sericitized which are developed in the Strata of Shiqianzhuang Formation. Based on the analysis of geological and geochemical data,it is considered that this area has a good prospecting prospect. |
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