Status and Suggestions for Exploitation and Utilization of Geological materials in China
中文关键词: 地质资料  开发利用  现状  建议
英文关键词: geological material  exploitation and utilization  status  suggestion
熊靓辉 北京矿产地质研究院有限责任公司北京 100012 
张会琼 北京矿产地质研究院有限责任公司北京 100012 
李调丽 中色地科矿产勘查股份有限公司北京 100012 
孙紫坚 北京矿产地质研究院有限责任公司北京 100012 
安天浩 北京矿产地质研究院有限责任公司北京 100012 
薛陈利 北京矿产地质研究院有限责任公司北京 100012 
摘要点击次数: 1162
全文下载次数: 535
      地质资料是地质工作的主要成果,是一种获取成本高、难度大、专业性强的信息资源,极具开发利用价值。在传统的重“保管和保密 ”的地质资料管理模式中,我国馆藏的海量地质资料只是一座“呆矿 ”。随着信息化技术的广泛应用和人们对地质资料作为数据资产的认知度的不断提高,在国家政策引导和资金支持下,地质资料开发利用取得了显著成果,但仍跟不上经济社会发展的步伐。本文通过梳理我国地质资料馆藏情况,从地质资料定密情况、数字化程度、服务网络和信息化系统建设及典型案例等方面阐述我国地质资料开发利用现状,就存在的问题进行探讨,并提出细化定密规则、知识碎片化处理、以需求为导向开发信息产品等建议,为提高我国地质资料的开发利用程度提供参考。
      Geological material is the main achievement of geological work, and it is a kind of information resource with high cost, di.culty and strong specialty, which are very valuable for exploitation and utilization. But the vast amount of geological materials in the geological archieves of China is only an “un-exploitable mine” under the traditional management mode of geological material, which emphasizes “keeping and security”. With the wide application of information technology and the improvement of people’s awareness of geological materials as data assets, the exploitation and utilization of it has achieved remarkable results with the support of national policies and funds, but still can’t keep up with the pace of economic and social development. This paper, summarized the geological material collection situation, analyzed the status of the exploration and utilization of geological material by research the confidentiality, digitisation, service network and information system construction and typical cases in China, discussed the problems and made suggestions, which will provide references for improving the level of exploitation and utilization of geological material, such as re.ning the rules of con.dentiality, developing knowledge fragmentation technology, improving the function of the service network and designing information products based on demand.
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