Characteristics and main controlling factors of natural gas fracture-related reservoir in Archen metamorphic rocks in southwest Bozhong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
中文关键词: 渤海湾盆地  变质岩潜山  渤中19-6  裂缝储层
英文关键词: Bohai Bay Basin  metamorphic rock buried hill  Bozhong 19-6  fractured reservoir
许鹏 中海石油中国有限公司天津分公司, 天津 300459 
牛成民 中海石油中国有限公司天津分公司, 天津 300459 
李慧勇 中海石油中国有限公司天津分公司, 天津 300459 
张鑫 中海石油中国有限公司天津分公司, 天津 300459 
肖述光 中海石油中国有限公司天津分公司, 天津 300459 
摘要点击次数: 1351
全文下载次数: 498
      In recent years, Bohai oilfield has carried out exploration practice for the deep Archean metamorphic rock buried hill in the southwest of Bozhong Sag in Bohai Bay Basin, and successfully discovered Bozhong 19-6 large packaged condensate gas field. At present, there is no clear understanding of the control factors of the development of high-quality fractured reservoirs in the gas field, which hinders the next exploration progress. The formation mechanism of fractured reservoir in Bozhong 19-6 metamorphic rock buried hill is studied by comprehensively using the data of drilling core, rock thin section and imaging logging. The results show that the deep buried hill reservoir in Bozhong 19-6 structural belt is a three-dimensional network fracture type reservoir system mainly composed of Archean metamorphic granite buried hill. The upper part forms a weathered fracture zone and the inner part forms a double-layer reservoir structure of network fracture zone. The upper weathered fracture zone has the dual characteristics of pore type and fracture type, and the lower inner fracture zone is mainly fracture type reservoir. The formation and distribution of reservoirs in weathered fracture zone and inner fracture zone of buried hill are controlled by the superposition of three stages of tectonic activities. The main development period of buried hill fractures has been since Indosinian period. Therefore, the reservoir forming model of “dominant lithology multi-stage fractures” of Archean buried hill metamorphic rocks in the study area is established.
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