李新,贺晓天,何鹏,白龙,刘朝阳,李福斌,陈卓,刘梦迪.内蒙古三七林场地区土壤地球化学特征及找矿靶区研究[J].矿产勘查,2022,13(4):481-489 |
内蒙古三七林场地区土壤地球化学特征及找矿靶区研究 |
Soil geochemical characteristics and prospecting target area in Sanqi forest farm Area, Inner Mongolia |
投稿时间:2021-11-12 |
DOI:10.20008/j.kckc.202204012 |
中文关键词: 找矿靶区 地球化学特征 三七林场地区 内蒙古 |
英文关键词: prospecting target geochemical characteristics Sanqi forest farm Area Inner Mongolia |
基金项目:本文受内蒙古自治区地质勘查基金项目“呼伦贝尔市沃力嘎沟等四幅1∶5万区域矿产地质调查”(NMKD2014-22)资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 1277 |
全文下载次数: 590 |
中文摘要: |
三七林场地区位于阿尔山—博克图—多宝山铁、铜、钼、金、铅锌、钨多金属成矿带东南部,具有寻找热液型铜铅锌矿及斑岩型钼矿的前景。为查明三七林场地区成矿规律,明确找矿靶区,在区内开展了1∶5万土壤地球化学测量工作。通过对成矿元素的含量特征、不同地质单元的元素分布特征以及元素组合特征等进行研究,并对重点土壤异常进行查证,优选出AP24—甲1综合异常区为最佳的热液型铜铅锌矿找矿靶区,AP31—甲1综合异常区为最佳的斑岩型钼矿找矿靶区。结合对区内地层、岩性、构造等有利控矿因素进行综合分析,认为铜山组地层是区内重要的矿源层,是寻找热液型铜铅锌矿床的有利层位;满克头鄂博组、玛尼吐组与早白垩世花岗岩接触部位是寻找斑岩型钼矿的有利地段,为三七林场地区进一步矿产勘查工作提供了依据。 |
英文摘要: |
Sanqi forest farm is located in the southeast of Aershan-boketu-Duobaoshan polymetallic metallogenic belt with iron, copper, molybdenum, gold, lead, zinc and tungsten, and has the prospect of finding hydrothermal copper-lead-zinc ore and porphyry molybdenum ore. 1∶50,000 soil geochemical survey was carried out in Sanqi forest farm, Inner Mongolia. Through sample analysis and data statistics, the content characteristics of ore-forming elements, element distribution characteristics of different geological units and element combination characteristics were studied. Through detailed investigation of key anomalies, AP24-A1 comprehensive anomaly area is selected as the best prospecting target area for hydrothermal Cu-Pb-Zn deposit, and AP31-A1 comprehensive anomaly area is the best prospecting target area for porphyry molybdenum deposit. It is considered that Tongshan formation is an important source bed in the region and a favorable horizon for finding hydrothermal copper-lead-zinc deposits. The vicinity of the contact zone between Manketou Ebo formation and Manitu formation and early Cretaceous granite is a favorable location for searching porphyry molybdenum deposits, which can provide a basis for further mineral exploration in Sanqi forest farm area. |
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