王谋,李晓峰,王果,李彦龙,师志龙,鲁克改.新疆雪米斯坦火山岩带白杨河铍铀矿床地质特征[J].矿产勘查,2012,3(1):34-40 |
新疆雪米斯坦火山岩带白杨河铍铀矿床地质特征 |
Geological characteristics of Baiyanghe Beryllium-Uranium deposits in Xuemisitan volcanic belt,Xinjiang |
投稿时间:2011-02-16 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 花岗斑岩 热液活动 铍铀矿床 白杨河 新疆 |
英文关键词: granite porphyry hydrothermal activity beryllium-uranium deposits Baiyanghe Xinjiang |
基金项目:中国核工业地质局铀矿专题科研与中国地质调查局国土资源大调查项目(编号:1212010913029)共同资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 11683 |
全文下载次数: 1996 |
中文摘要: |
白杨河铍铀矿床位于雪米斯坦火山岩带西段,主矿体赋存于花岗斑岩与上泥盆统、下石炭统火山熔岩、火山碎屑(沉积)岩的接触带部位,花岗斑岩属酸度高、碱度大的富硅富碱斑岩体。铍铀矿体呈层状,其中以Ⅰ矿体规模最大,矿区内含铍矿物主要为羟硅铍石,铀矿物主要为沥青铀矿,铍铀矿体与赤铁矿化、萤石化关系密切。通过分析及对比斯波山铍铀矿床,认为接触带构造控制了主铍铀矿体的产出,多期热液活动和矿化叠加是产生富大矿体的必要因素。 |
英文摘要: |
Baiyanghe beryllium-uranium deposits is in the western of Xuemisitan volcanic,the main orebody exists in the contact zone of granite porphyry and volcanic lava or pyroclastic(sedimentary) rocks which is in the upper devonian and the lower carboniferous.The granite porphyry has high acidity and high alkalinity.Beryllium-uranium ore bodies present themselves in bedded,and the Ⅰ orebody is largest.Main beryllium mineral is bertrandite and main uranium mineral is pitchblende.The beryllium-uranium bodies are associated with hematitization and fluoritization.By analyzing and contrasting Spor Mountain beryllium-uranium deposits,This paper suggest that beryllium-uranium bodies is affected by contact zone structural,the essential factors of forming rich and big beryllium-uranium bodies are multi hydrothermal activity and multiphase superposition mineralization. |
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