Study on geological characteristics and mineralization of the Niuling uranium deposit in Maling intrusion
中文关键词: 地质特征  地球化学  成矿作用  牛岭铀矿床  马岭岩体
英文关键词: geological characteristics  geochemistry  mineralization  Niuling uranium deposit  Maling intrusion
邵飞 核工业270研究所, 南昌 330200 
邵上 核工业290研究所, 韶关 512026 
许健俊 核工业270研究所, 南昌 330200 
石亚飞 核工业270研究所, 南昌 330200 
华金 核工业270研究所, 南昌 330200 
邓军 核工业270研究所, 南昌 330200 
姚鹏飞 核工业270研究所, 南昌 330200 
摘要点击次数: 1994
全文下载次数: 1193
      The Niuling uranium deposit is an external granite type uranium deposit. Previous exploration results showed that the uranium metallization was controlled by the interlayer fractured zone in the feldspathic quartz sandstone of Sanmentan formation of Late Devonian period. On the basis of systematically collecting the previous exploration data, in combination with the latest exploration results, the geological characteristics and mineralization of the deposit were summarized and researched by applying the geochemical approach of major and trace elements. The result showed that the uranium mineralization is closely associated with the mafic dikes in space and time, the uranium-rich Maling intrusion could provide material sources for the mineralization and the ore-forming fluid carried mantlederived fluid components, the interaction between fluid and rock led to the evolution of ore-forming fluid. The ore-forming fluid became acid hydrothermal fluid when the ore-forming mineral was unloading and the cooling effect and pyrite reduction are the important mechanism for ore-forming mineral undeposition.
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