Geological and geochemical characteristics of Kaerqueka copper deposit in Qinghai
中文关键词: 卡尔却卡铜矿床  矿物特征  化学元素  微量元素  成矿作用
英文关键词: Kaerqueka copper deposit, mineral characteristics, chemical elements, trace elements, mineralization
苏海伦 西北大学大陆动力学国家重点实验室,西安 710069
西北大学地质学系,西安 710069 
韦乐乐 西北大学大陆动力学国家重点实验室,西安 710069
西北大学地质学系,西安 710069 
刘秀婷 西北大学大陆动力学国家重点实验室,西安 710069
西北大学地质学系,西安 710069 
樊文静 西北大学大陆动力学国家重点实验室,西安 710069
西北大学地质学系,西安 710069 
摘要点击次数: 2539
全文下载次数: 1846
      The Eastern Kunlun area, where the Kaerqueka copper deposit is located, has been the focus area for the metallogenic study and exploration. The authors carried out the study on country rock alteration, chemical and trace elements, and mineral characteristics of the deposit through methods of mineral specimen observation, polarized light microscope observation, EDS analysis and Plasma mass spectrometer analysis etc..It is found that the ratio of LREE/HREE in the country rock and ore is (3.96~5.26)/(0.493~0.999). The strong incompatible elements of Rb, Ba, Cs and others have obvious deficit, while the medium incompatible elements of Cr, Nb have weak deficit, and the REE is characterized with negative Eu anomaly. In the country rock, the concentration of Rb element is high but low Sr value. The ratios of Rb/Sr, 87Sr/86Sr are all high. Based on the above-mentioned comprehensive analysis, the metallogenic material source in the deposit area mainly comes from the deep environment such as lower crust or upper mantle et al, and the formation of the deposit has experienced with multi stages reformation and overprinting process by different types of mineralization in the different environments. Therefore, the Kaerqueka copper deposit type is classified into the stratabound-reformed skarn type copper deposit.
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