Analysis on ore-controlling alteration rocks and structures in the Baojinshan-Jinkengchong gold deposit, Hunan province
中文关键词: 湖南  包金山  金坑冲  金矿床  断裂体系  构造控矿规律
英文关键词: Baojinshan and Jinkengchong, gold deposits  fault system  ore-controlling structural rules  Hunan
张利军 中南大学,长沙 410005
湖南省有色地质勘查研究院,长沙 410015 
邵拥军 中南大学,长沙 410005 
赖健清 中南大学,长沙 410005 
石坚 湖南省有色地质勘查局二总队,湘潭 411102 
徐质彬 湖南省有色地质勘查研究院,长沙 410015 
摘要点击次数: 2689
全文下载次数: 1388
      湘中包金山—金坑中金矿床位于白马山—龙山—紫云山隆起带东段,紫云山岩体与歇马岩体所夹持的中元古界板溪群浅变质岩中。紫云山隆起西缘志留系—下泥盆统地层缺失,同时南部加里东岩浆活动响应,印支—燕山岩浆热活动继承和叠加改造,形成以紫云山杂岩体和板溪群变质岩为核心的变质核杂岩。包金山—金坑冲金矿床为一构造蚀变岩型金矿,主要受板溪群马底驿组含钙质板岩中发育的近东西向似层状构造蚀变岩带控制,该构造蚀变岩带具多期活动特征,初期受近南北向挤压形成逆断层,后期受伸展作用形成拆离断层。文章依据最新勘探成果,重点分析了矿区构造控岩控矿特征,证实了矿床受岩浆热隆起及其与之相关的构造断裂体系和蚀变岩带控制,解析出Au、Au-W、Au-Sb 3个期次的成矿序列,探讨了地层—构造联合控矿规律与叠加成矿作用。
      The Baojinshan-Jinkengchong gold deposit is located in the eastern section of Baimashan-Longshan-Ziyunshan uplift zone, and occurs in the low grade metamorphic rocks of Neoproterozoic Banxi group which is sandwiched between Xiema and Ziyunshan intrusive bodies. The metamorphic core complexes dominated by Ziyunshan complex intrusions and Banxi group metamorphic rocks were formed due to regional tectonic and magmatic activities such as the missing Silurian and Lower Devonian strata in the western margin of Ziyunshan uplift process, response of the Caledonian magmatic activity in the southern part of Ziyunshan uplift and inherited Indosinian-Yanshan magmatic activity and overlaid Caledonian intrusions. The Baojinshan-Jinkengchong gold deposit belongs to a structural altered type gold deposit, is mainly controlled by EW-trending structural altered belt occurred in Madiyi formation calcareous slate of Banxi group. The structural altered belt is stratoid form with multi stages of-activities. In the early stage, the reverse fault was formed by nearly SN-trending stress, and at the later stage it became the normal fault by extension process. In this paper, based on the latest exploration result, the characteristics of ore-controlling altered rocks and structures are analyzed, it has confirmed that the gold deposit is controlled by structural fault system and altered rocks resulted from magma thermal uplift. Finally the metallogenic sequence of Au, Au-W and Au-Sb mineralization was set up, and the combined ore-controlling rules by strata and structures and the superimposed mineralization was discussed.
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