Characteristics of superposed folds and its tectonic significance in the Moerdaoga district:structural analysis on the complexly deformed terrains with poor outcrop conditions
中文关键词: 莫尔道嘎  叠加褶皱  构造解析  构造剖面  劈理  构造意义
英文关键词: Moerdaoga  superposed folds  structural analyses  structural section  cleavage  tectonic significance
张忠义 有色金属矿产地质调查中心,北京 100012
北京矿产地质研究院,北京 100012 
王召林 有色金属矿产地质调查中心,北京 100012
北京矿产地质研究院,北京 100012 
李海鹏 有色金属矿产地质调查中心,北京 100012 
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      莫尔道嘎地区位于额尔古纳地块的中北部,属因覆盖而构造面貌出露不完整的褶皱叠加变形区。通过多种方法获取的点上的构造(褶皱)要素、信息资料构建褶皱构造的几何形态和几何学解释,开展(褶皱)构造剖析和综合分析研究工作。在浅变质的新元古代佳疙瘩组中厘定出3组褶皱构造。第一组(近东西向)褶皱(F1)为露头尺度的同斜紧闭剪切小b型褶皱;第二组(北北西向)褶皱(F2)成紧密线状纵弯褶皱,构成一系列区域上的复式向斜和复式背斜构造;第三组(北东东—北西西向)纵弯褶皱(F3)为中常—开阔褶皱。区域上,第三组褶皱(F3)大角度斜跨在第二组褶皱(F2)之上,形成几何学上类似Ramsy(Ramsay et al, 1987)的2类叠加,表明区域构造背景已由前中生代的多块体的碰撞、拼贴环境转换为中新生代板内变形阶段。文章拓展了覆盖—半覆盖区的填图与勘查工作中的构造调研思路和方法。
      The Moerdaoga study area is located in central-northern part of Eerguna block. It is fold-superposition deformation district with uncompletely tectonic outcrop due to thick cover. Based on the local structural data and information derived from multiple geological methods,, the paper tries to build the completely geometry and geometric interpretation of folded structure. The integrated techniques of structural analyses support development of the multi-phases deformational history with at least three folding phases of deformation affecting the Neoproterozoic Jiageda formation as followings: (1) Nearly EW-trending isoclinal type B minor folds (F1) formed by shear folding; (2) NNW-trending tight linear buckle folds (F2), formed the main structures of the study area characterized with the anticlinorium or syclinorium; (3) NEE-NWW trending middle open buckle folds (F3). Regionally,the presence of the Ramsay’s Type 2 (Ramsay et al, 1987) interference patterns produced by the overprint of the NEE-NWW-trending folds (F3) on NNW-trending ones (F2) at a large angle. This may be relative to the transition of the regional tectonic environment from pre-Mesozoic amalgamation of micro-continental blocks to Middle-Cenozoic intraplate deformation mechanism. This paper provides a useful technique for constructing structural interpretation of complexly deformed areas where poor outcrops inhibit the direct observation in the field.
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