宋慈安,宋玮,王柘,杨仲平.广西佛子冲铅锌矿植物和土壤地球化学找矿的对比试验研究[J].矿产勘查,2015,6(4):420-428 |
广西佛子冲铅锌矿植物和土壤地球化学找矿的对比试验研究 |
Experimental comparison study between vegetation prospecting and soil prospecting in the Fozichong Pb-Zn deposit area, Guangxi |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 植物地球化学找矿 土壤地球化学找矿 铅锌矿床 广西 佛子冲 |
英文关键词: geochemical vegetation prospecting, geochemical soil prospecting, Pb-Zn mineral deposit, Fozichong, Guangxi |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(编号:41363003)资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 2591 |
全文下载次数: 1603 |
中文摘要: |
佛子冲铅锌矿属典型亚热带季风气候红壤区,湿热多雨,土壤覆盖较厚,森林植被发育。为探讨植物地球化学找矿在该区的有效性,开展了剖面性土壤和植物(芒萁)地球化学找矿的对比试验研究。研究结果表明:(1) 植物异常同土壤异常具有很大的相似性,能确定隐伏盲矿的部位,反映其埋藏深度,属于矿致异常。但植物异常同土壤异常相比,元素强度、衬度都有降低。(2) 土壤异常中高含量的成矿及伴生元素胁迫植物吸收和积累,是导致植物地球化学异常形成的主要因素。Pb、Zn、Ag、Cd土壤异常衬度较大,分别为10.60、8.43、14.40和9.55;它们的植物异常衬度也较大,分别为6.08、6.74、12.75和6.50。(3) 植物的屏障效应主要表现在异常地段毒性元素的吸收系数相对于背景地段降低。如Pb、Cd和As强毒性元素,它们在背景地段的吸收系数分别是0.48、0.44和0.32,在异常地段的吸收系数分别是0.27、0.30和0.23。(4) 生于土壤异常中的植物在吸收元素的过程中,同时会受到外界胁迫和内部抵抗两方面的作用。外界胁迫主要反映到植物异常的衬度高低上,内部抵抗主要反映到植物异常的屏障系数大小上。植物异常的形成是植物被胁迫吸收和屏障效应作用的综合结果。 |
英文摘要: |
The Fozichong Pb-Zn deposit area is located in the typical subtropical monsoon climate and red soil zone with characteristics of humid and rainy, thick soil and lush forest vegetation. In order to prove the effectiveness of botano-geochemical prospecting, an experimental comparison study on geochemical vegetation prospecting (Dicranopteris pedate) and profile soil prospecting was conducted. The research result indicates that:a, botanogeochemical anomaly has great similarity with soil geochemical anomaly. The botanogeochemical anomaly can be used for determining the location of concealed ore bodies and reflect the burial depth of concealed ore body. Therefore, it is an anomaly related to mineralization. But compared with soil geochemical anomaly, the intensity and contrast of botanogeochemical anomaly are lower than those of soil geochemical anomaly;b, the high content of ore-forming and associated elements in the soil anomaly force plant absorb and accumulate these elements, thus result in the formation of botanogeochemical anomaly. The contrast values of Pb, Zn, Ag and Cd in the soil geochemical anomaly are larger, respectively as 10.60,8.43,4.40 and 9.55, and the contrast values of them in the botanogeochemical anomaly are also larger, respectively as 6.08,6.47,2.75 and 6.50; c, barrier effects performance of plant mainly showed that absorption coefficient of toxic elements is reduced in the botanogeochemical area compared to background area. For example, the absorption coefficient of strong toxic elements of Pb, Cd and As in the background area are 0.48,0.44 and 0.32 respectively, but in the botanogeochemical area are 0.27,0.30 and 0.23 respectively; d, the plant grown in the soil anomaly is simultaneously influenced by external stress and internal resistance effect in the process of absorbing elements. The external stress mainly reflects the high or low contrast of plant anomaly, the internal resistance mainly reflects in the big or small barrier coefficient of plant. The formation of botanogeochemical anomaly is comprehensive result of stress absorption and barrier effects of plants. |
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