Application and prospecting effect of comprehensive geophysical prospecting in the adjacent region of Yechangping Mo deposit, Henan
中文关键词: 夜长坪钼钨矿  综合物探方法  成矿预测  工程验证  河南
英文关键词: Yechangping molybdenum-tunsten deposit, comprehensive geophysical prospecting, metallogenic prediction,test drilling
刘鲜民 河南省地质矿产勘查开发局第一地质矿产调查院, 洛阳 471000
河南省金银多金属成矿系列与深部预测重点实验室, 洛阳 471000 
徐新光 河南省地质矿产勘查开发局第一地质矿产调查院, 洛阳 471000
河南省金银多金属成矿系列与深部预测重点实验室, 洛阳 471000 
李磊 河南省地质矿产勘查开发局第一地质矿产调查院, 洛阳 471000
河南省金银多金属成矿系列与深部预测重点实验室, 洛阳 471000 
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全文下载次数: 1424
      The Yechangping molybdenum-tungsten deposit is a typical porphyry-skarn type deposit, which has close relationship with concealed granite porphyry bodies. To find and enlarge the resource tonnage of molybdenum-tunsten metals, the gravity survey and controllable source audio frequency magnetotelluric sounding have been carried out in the adjacent region of the deposit based on the study of deposit geology. After data processing, integrated analysis and scientific interpretation,the distribution and buried depth of granite intrusion have been outlined, the distribution and characteristics of buried faults have been clarified, and finally the favorable prospecting areas for Mo-W mineralization have been delineated. After test drilling, the molybdenum-tungsten ore bodies have been discovered at depth in the adjacent region of the deposit. Therefore, the successful application of comprehensive geophysical prospecting method has been proved to be effective in the exploration of concealed metallic deposits.
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