李海光,李佼.全方位施工钻孔中矿体真厚度计算公式探讨[J].矿产勘查,2016,7(2):353-358 |
全方位施工钻孔中矿体真厚度计算公式探讨 |
Calculation formulas of ore body true thickness of drill hole in all directions |
投稿时间:2015-05-13 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 钻孔 矿体真厚度 计算公式 |
英文关键词: drill hole, ore body, true thickness, calculation formulas |
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摘要点击次数: 3376 |
全文下载次数: 1087 |
中文摘要: |
长期以来,我国各类找矿勘探书籍中关于钻孔中矿体真厚度的计算公式表达式为:M=L/N(sinαsinβcosγ±cosαcosβ),2013年有梁瑞等在《矿产勘查》发文对此公式进行了探讨,提出了改进公式:M=L/N(sinαsinβcosγ±cosαcosβ)。但此改进后的公式仍存有较大的局限性。因此,进一步探讨钻孔中矿体真厚度计算公式,为目前地质勘查在估算资源储量中提供正确的矿体真厚度参数、避免资源储量估算结果的失误有重要的意义。文章提出了全方位钻孔施工条件下矿体真厚度计算的公式:M=L/N(cosαcosβ-sinαsinβcosγ)。 |
英文摘要: |
The calculation formulas of ore body true thickness based on drill hole data is described as M=L/N (sinαsinβcosγ±cosαcosβ)in various of prospecting exploration books for a long time in China. In 2013, Liangrui and others published articles to discuss this calculation formulas published in journal of mineral exploration, and put forward the calculation formulas as M=L/N|(sinαsinβcosγ±cosαcosβ)|. However the improved calculation formula still has a big limitation. Therefore, it is very significant to explore the calculation formulas of ore body true thickness based on drill hole data in order to provide precise ore body true thickness parameter for ore estimation of resources/reserves, and to avoid estimation errors. This paper proposed the calculation formulas of ore body true thickness in all directions based on drill hole data is as followings:M=L/N(cosαcosβ-sinαsinβcosγ). |
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