Geological characteristics and prospecting criteria of skarn iron poly-metallic deposit related to No. 3 granite intrusion in the Shuikoushan ore field, Hunan
中文关键词: 水口山  铁多金属矿  地质特征  找矿标志  湖南
英文关键词: Shuikoushan, skarn iron poly-metal deposit, geological characteristics, prospecting criteria, Hunan
陈平波 中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院, 长沙 410000
湖南省有色地质勘查局二一七队, 衡阳 421000 
刘继顺 中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院, 长沙 410000 
宛克勇 湖南省有色地质勘查局二一七队, 衡阳 421000 
徐卫娟 湖南省有色地质勘查局二一七队, 衡阳 421000 
熊阜松 湖南省有色地质勘查局二一七队, 衡阳 421000 
任远征 湖南省有色地质勘查局二一七队, 衡阳 421000 
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      The skarn type iron poly-metallic deposit is discovered in central part of the well known Shuikoushan ore field recently. The orebody occurs in the contacted altered mineraliztion zone between No. 3 concealed granite intrusion and country rock. The orebody distribution is jointly controlled by overturned anticline, overlapping granodiorite intrusion, limestone of Qixia group and sandy shale of Dangchong group which formed a triangle structural zone. Main mineralization and associated elements are iron, copper, lead, zinc, silver, gold and uranium. The wall rock alteration varies is complex including garnet- diopside - tremolite skarn, hornfels, silicification and marbleization which are closely related to mineralization. The deposit type is contacted metasomatic skarn type. The discovery of new type orebody provides a clue for prospecting concealed orebody in the depth of Shuikoushan ore field, i.e., it is probably for finding new orebody in the contacted metamorphic zone under overlapping granite intrusion.
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