Application of geo-electrochemical method for prospecting in basalt coverage area,Changbai mountain, Jilin
中文关键词: 地电化学  玄武岩  多元统计  找矿研究  吉林长白山
英文关键词: geo-electrochemical method, basalt,multivariate statistics, prospecting, Jilin,Changbai mountains
韦选建 桂林理工大学地球科学学院,桂林 541006
桂林理工大学隐伏矿床预测研究所,桂林 541006
桂林理工大学广西隐伏金属矿产勘查重点实验室,桂林 541006 
罗先熔 桂林理工大学地球科学学院,桂林 541006
桂林理工大学隐伏矿床预测研究所,桂林 541006
桂林理工大学广西隐伏金属矿产勘查重点实验室,桂林 541006 
杨龙坤 桂林理工大学地球科学学院,桂林 541006
桂林理工大学隐伏矿床预测研究所,桂林 541006
桂林理工大学广西隐伏金属矿产勘查重点实验室,桂林 541006 
刘攀峰 桂林理工大学地球科学学院,桂林 541006
桂林理工大学隐伏矿床预测研究所,桂林 541006
桂林理工大学广西隐伏金属矿产勘查重点实验室,桂林 541006 
王艳忠 武警黄金一支队,牡丹江 157000 
李海洋 辽宁省地质矿产研究院,沈阳 110032 
闫伟 辽宁省地质矿产研究院,沈阳 110032 
摘要点击次数: 2337
全文下载次数: 1493
      In order to solve the problem of prospecting concealed deposit in basalt coverage area in Changbai mountain, Jilin, the geo-electrochemical method was selected for the application in the Guosong village test area. Based on multivariate statistical analysis result of the elements collected by geo-electrochemical extraction approach, the typical combination of elements as followings:As-Mo-Bi-Co-Ni-Cr, Cu-Pb-Zn, Ag-Sb and Au-Hg. The distribution regulation of element combination anomaly from the periphery zone to the inner zone is as followings:Ag-Sb, Au-Hg, Cu-Pb-Zn, and As-Mo-Bi-Co-Ni-Cr. Among them, the Ag-Sb and Au-Hg element combination anomalies were mainly distributed in the periphery of the concealed ore body, therefore, they can be used as the basis for the tracing of concealed ore bodies. The Cu-Pb-Zn and As-Mo-Bi-Co-Ni-Cr element combination anomalies in the inner zone can be used as prospecting mark for concealed ore bodies of Cu, Pb, Zn, Co, Ni, Cr and other ore-forming elements, the abnormal concentration center commonly represents the position of concealed orebodies. As a whole, geo-electrochemical method is an effective prospecting approach in basalt coverage area, therefore it is worth of wide application.
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