Study on the sedimentary environment and stratigraphic age of dinosaur tracks in Shenmu City, Shaanxi Province
中文关键词: 砒砂岩  沙漠相  恐龙足迹  岩相古地理  沉积环境
英文关键词: feldspathic sandstone,desert facies,dinosaur trackways,lithofacies paleogeography,sedimentary environment
唐永忠 陕西省地质调查院, 西安 710054 
徐涛 陕西省地质调查院, 西安 710054 
邢立达 中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院,北京 100083 
李兴文 陕西省地质调查院, 西安 710054 
王继辉 陕西省地质调查院, 西安 710054 
唐玉 陕西省地质调查院, 西安 710054 
李益朝 陕西省地质调查院, 西安 710054 
吴昊 陕西省地质调查院, 西安 710054 
摘要点击次数: 2159
全文下载次数: 977
      Several track fossil sites were found in the Cretaceous purple-red feldspathic sandstone at Gonggegou of Zhongji Town, Shenmu City, Shaanxi Province, by Shaanxi Geological Survey Center in 2017, which makes it the first discovery in northeastern Ordos basin. The rock sequence bearing track fossils is composed of a suite of typical desert facies red feldspathic sandstone; it is characterized by purple-red, dark purple-red thick massive silty mudstone and pelitic siltstone, and is mixed with thin medium- and coarse-grained feldspar quartz sandstone, constituting the representative Danxia Landform. Of these five track fossil sites, three dinosaur footprint sites and two small-sized tetrapod footprint sites were identified. Based on the comparison in footprint morphology, we infer that the dinosaur footprints belong to Eubrontes and Deinonychus, while the small-sized tetrapod footprints belong to primitive mammals; the dinosaur footprints were found in the environment that was nearby the shallow lakeshore line. Due to the limited research on the footprint bearing stratigraphic sequence, hence these newly found dinosaur footprints was of great importance to ascertain the stratigraphic age and recover the paleoenvironment. The Mesozoic fossil plants assemblage in the Chabu area of Otog Qi in Western Ordos basin was dominated by ginkgoales, followed by filicinae, indicating a warm humid temperate-subtropical climatic zone that was facilitated to plant growth and dinosaur living. Combined with dinosaur trackways found in Langanbao town of Shenmu city, it is indicated that dinosaurs lived continuously here from Early Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. There was a thin volcanic ash layer contained in the desert facies-lake sediment from the Luohe Formation of Early Jurassic, indicating a hot and arid climate. The geological age, lithofacies paleogeography and sedimentary environment of dinosaur trackways during Early and Middle Jurassic were distinguished greatly from that during Early Cretaceous.
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