Hydro-chemical characteristics and cause analysis of phreatic water in Xianyang Region
中文关键词: 咸阳地区  潜水  水化学特征  演变规律
英文关键词: Xianyang area, phreatic water, hydro-chemical characteristics, evolution rule
银若冰 陕西省水工环地质调查中心,西安 710068 
张航泊 陕西省水工环地质调查中心,西安 710068 
杜少少 陕西省水工环地质调查中心,西安 710068 
摘要点击次数: 1430
全文下载次数: 635
      Based on main ions and other relevant indicators of 103 water samples in Xianyang area, the spatial distribution characteristics and evolution causes of the phreatic water hydrochemical field have been studied by means of mathematical statistics, Piper’s three-line map, correlation analysis, factor analysis, and Gibbs map. The results show that the main anion of phreatic water is HCO3- and the cations are Na+ and Mg2+. Their spatial difference is small when SO42- and Cl- have a significant spatial differentiation controlled by geological and human factors. Meanwhile the enrichment of F- is notable and a regional pollution leads to high content of NO3-. Along the recharge and discharge route and the direction of the Weihe River, the type of water chemistry changes in a strip. The main controlling factors for the formation of hydro-chemical fields in the region are geological geomorphology and hydroclimate conditions. In the loess plateau and alluvial plain, leaching is the main function while evaporation concentration acts as auxiliary, but alluvial-proluvial plain is the opposite. Cation alternating adsorption function and mixing function exist in the whole area. The secondary controlling factor is human activity, and its role is increasing day by day.
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