詹静一.内蒙古东升庙矿区锌多金属硫铁矿深部勘查发现及启示[J].矿产勘查,2018,9(11):2085-2096 |
内蒙古东升庙矿区锌多金属硫铁矿深部勘查发现及启示 |
Exploration discovery in deep of Dongshengmiao Zn polymetallic deposit in Inner Mongoliaand it’s inspiration miao mining area |
投稿时间:2018-03-21 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 东升庙 锌多金属硫铁矿 超大型SEDEX型和VMS型矿床 内蒙古 |
英文关键词: Dongshengmiao,Zn-Pb-Sulfur deposit,giant SEDEX and VMS type deposits,Inner Mongolia |
基金项目: |
摘要点击次数: 2171 |
全文下载次数: 874 |
中文摘要: |
中化内蒙地勘院近年来完成了内蒙古自治区乌拉特后旗东升庙矿区深部的矿产普查工作,在矿区深部发现一大型锌多金属硫铁矿床,随后完成了东升庙矿区深部勘探。东升庙矿区深部大型锌多金属硫铁矿床是东升庙矿床矿体的延伸部分,为老矿区深部找矿的新发现。东升庙矿床属于形成于中元古界渣尔泰山群增隆昌组、阿古鲁沟组石墨片岩和石墨白云石大理岩(原岩分别为泥质碎屑岩和白云岩)中的介于SEDEX型和VMS型矿床之间的过渡型喷流—沉积矿床。当时的形成环境为狼山裂陷槽中东升庙同生沉积盆地,同生断裂控制了矿体的形成与展布。文章叙述了东升庙矿区深部及东部外围的勘查过程,给出了对地质找矿工作的9点启示,验证了对矿床成因的认识程度往往决定找矿勘查的成效。 |
英文摘要: |
Recently, Zhonghua Inner Mongolia Geological Prospecting Institute discovered a large Zn-Pb-Sulfur deposit in the deep part of Dongshengmiao,WulateHouqi,InnerMongolia, China, during the general survey of this miningarea, after which Zhonghua Inner Mongolia Institute finished the exploration work in deep of the Dongshengmiao mining area. The large Zn-Pb-Sulfur deposit in deepof the Dongshengmiao mining area is an extension of the Dongshengmiao deposit, which is a new discovery in deep in the original mining area. The Dongshengmiao depositis a transitional sedimentary exhalative ore bed between SEDEX and VMS hosted in the graphite schist of the Mesoproterozoic ZenglongchangFm and AgulugouFm of Zhaertaishan Gr and the graphite dolomitic marble (corresponding to muddy clastic rocks and dolostone, respectively, as protolith). it is formed in Dongshengmiao contemporaneous sedimentary basinin the Langshan aulacogen where the contemporaneous faults controlled the formation and distribution of ore bodies.The paper described the exploration process of in the deep part and the eastern periphery areas of Dongshengmiao deposit and listed 9 implications for future exploration, which confirmed that the metallogenicunderstanding usually determined the efficiency of exploration. |
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