Analysis on metallogenetic rules and metallogenetic models of Pingbao polymetal ore field in Southern Hunan
中文关键词: 坪宝多金属矿田  成矿规律  成矿模式
英文关键词: Pingbao polymetal ore field,metallogenetic rules, metallogenetic models
黄富年 湖南省有色地质勘查局一总队,郴州 423000 
李茂平 湖南宝山有色金属矿业有限责任公司,桂阳 424400 
摘要点击次数: 1827
全文下载次数: 146
      Lead, zinc, silver and copper, molybdenum, tungsten, bismuth and other polymetallic ores are rich in Pingbao polymetal ore field, and magmatic hydrothermal genesis is dominant in the genetic types of ore deposits, which has marked prospecting characteristics. Multiple deposits in the ore field are controlled by faulted structure and magmatic rocks together in Yanshan period. Studying the metallogenic models and rules of Pingbao polymetal ore field is significant to prospecting in Southern Hunan Provicne and even Nanling mineralization belt, which will provide the basis for prospecting in concealed ore deposits, the future main battlefield. With discovery of various new types of deposits and minerals in recent years, people have new understanding of the systematical structures and zonation of regional deep deposits. This paper further improves metallogenic models of the known deposits based on reconsideration of the metallogenic models of the known deposits and summarizing of zonation and occurrence rules of different types of deposits. It researches the ore fields from the perspective of deposits, combines metallogenic models of typical deposits with that of single deposits to form integrated models. It extends to the stage of tectonic metallogenic series from tectonic system control, upgrades the understanding of metallogenic theories of deep deposits and instructs prospecting with a breakthrough by understanding and summarizing metallogenic rules of deposits.
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