General situation and development regional division of geothermal resources in western sichuan region
中文关键词: 川西地区  对流型  地热成因  地热区划  环境地质问题
英文关键词: western Sichuan region,convection type,geothermal formation, geothermal genesis, geothermal partition, environmental geologyl problems
屈泽伟 四川省地质工程勘察院,成都 610000 
张恒 四川省地质工程勘察院,成都 610000 
胡亚召 四川省地质工程勘察院,成都 610000 
袁伟 四川省地质工程勘察院,成都 610000 
罗运祥 四川省地质工程勘察院,成都 610000 
摘要点击次数: 2258
全文下载次数: 158
      There is plentiful geothermal resources in western Sichuan region,The moderate-high temperature geothermal resources belongs to the convection type of uplift mountain.Heat reservoir is stratified reservoir, the mainly lithology is fault tectonite, heat source mainly comes from magma thermal which is from the modern active faults connected deep mantle or comes from mechanical friction heat which is produced by fault fracture zone, water supply is mainly from atmospheric precipitation, deep circulation is the main genetic model. Based on field survey,sampling analysis and regional geological data analysis, Hydrothermal types are complete all in readiness, It’s distribution strictly controlled by zone structure and have good space-overlap with population distribution.The hydrochemical types of geothermal fluid are primarily HCO3-Na,The fluid is rich in fluorine and silicon whose concentration can reach the physical therapy named concentration of hot mineral water, possessing high physical therapy value. According to the partition of geothermal fluid, geothermal resources temperature and fluid chemical characteristics,regional resources and so on, geothermal resources can be divided into three specific types, six priority development zone are mainly for heating and generate electricity,ten key development zone are mainly for leisure tourism and medical treatment. According to the need, the rest of the geothermal resources zones which are defined as moratorium development zone can be used.In allusion to possible environmental geologyl problems in the process of the development and utilization of geothermal resources, putting forward targeted preventive measures, realizing sustainable development and utilization of geothermal resources.
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