Characteristics and prospecting prediction of Augaro gold deposit in Eritrea, East Africa
中文关键词: 石英脉型金矿  地球化学  地球物理  找矿预测  厄立特里亚
英文关键词: quartz vein type gold deposit,geochemistry,geophysics,prospecting prediction, Eritrea
曹强 中国地质矿业有限公司,北京 100029 
杨增海 中国黄金集团有限公司,北京 100011 
秦秀峰 中国地质矿业有限公司,北京 100029
有色金属矿产地质调查中心,北京 100012 
张紫程 中国地质矿业有限公司,北京 100029 
黄克贤 中国地质矿业有限公司,北京 100029 
李傲宇 中国地质矿业有限公司,北京 100029 
摘要点击次数: 2072
全文下载次数: 769
      东部非洲厄立特里亚矿产资源丰富,Augaro金矿区位于该国最大的碧莎(Bisha)—扎拉(Zara) 铜金成矿带内。通过地质调查发现金矿主要富集于石英脉中,第二期呈灰白、粉红色石英脉为主要的赋矿脉体;通过地球化学水系沉积物勘查,圈出9处Au元素异常区域,结合其他元素异常分布、套合关系及成矿地质背景,判断不同元素异常的内在联系,共圈定10处综合异常区域;通过地球物理磁异常勘查,测区的北部异常区呈椭圆状,中部呈现较为复杂正磁异常,南部主要为负磁异常。结合石英-硫化物型金矿高阻高极化激电异常特征,对激电异常进行综合分析,圈出具有较好成矿背景的异常带。综合分析Augaro金矿特征,判断该矿区具有良好的找矿前景。
      Eritrea is rich in mineral resources in eastern Africa, and the Augaro gold deposit is located in the largest Bisha-Zara copper gold metallogenic belt.Through geological survey, it is found that gold deposits are mainly concentrated in quartz vein, and the second stage is gray white and pink quartz vein, which is the main ore vein body.Through geochemical river sediment exploration, delineating 9 abnormal areas of Au element, combined with other element abnormal distribution, coupling relationship and metallogenic geological background, judge the internal relationship of different element anomalies, and delineate 10 comprehensive abnormal areas in total; Through geophysical magnetic anomaly exploration, the northern anomaly area of the survey area is elliptical, the middle part is more complex positive magnetic anomaly, and the south part is mainly negative magnetic anomaly.Combined with the characteristics of high resistivity and high polarization IP anomalies in quartz sulfide type gold deposits, the IP anomalies are comprehensively analyzed and the anomaly zones with better metallogenic background are delineated.Based on the comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of Augaro gold deposit, it can be concluded that there is a good prospecting prospect in this area.
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