Geological characteristics and prospecting direction for porphyrite type iron deposit in Yangzhuang, Ningwu Basin, Anhui Province
中文关键词: 铁矿  玢岩型  新亚式  地质特征  成因类型  找矿方向  宁芜盆地  安徽
英文关键词: iron deposit, porphyrite type, new sub-tpye, geological characteristics, genetic types, prospecting direction
刘小胡 江苏省有色金属华东地质勘查局, 江苏 南京 210007 
孙丰瑞 江苏省有色金属华东地质勘查局, 江苏 南京 210007 
张钊 江苏省有色金属华东地质勘查局, 江苏 南京 210007 
刘纯波 遵义师范学院,贵州 遵义 563006 
严文婕 江苏省有色金属华东地质勘查局, 江苏 南京 210007 
马春 江苏省有色金属华东地质勘查局, 江苏 南京 210007 
居维伟 江苏省有色金属华东地质勘查局, 江苏 南京 210007 
张悦秋 江苏省有色金属华东地质勘查局, 江苏 南京 210007 
摘要点击次数: 2144
全文下载次数: 827
      Yangzhuang iron deposit is another large iron deposit newly discovered in the Zhonggushan ore field in recent years. It is located at the north turning point of the sunward syncline of the secondary fold in the Zhonggushan anticline in the southern segment of the Ningwu basin, the ore bodies are mainly located in the contact zone between Xujiashan formation and Diorite (porphyrite) , in the Triassic Xujiashan formation and in the Diorite (porphyrite) , the ore is mainly magnetite, secondly hematite (illusory) , secondly hematite, and the ore structure is mainly other-shaped and semi-self-shaped fine grain structure, the ore structure is mainly disseminated-dense disseminated structure, and the Genesis of the deposit belongs to the filling-contact metasomatic type of iron deposit dominated by gasification-hydrothermal metasomatism, which is obviously different from the existing Lantau Peak (Baixiangshan) type and Gushan type iron deposits, should be the new Asian “Yangzhuang porphyrite iron ore. ”. The emergence of this new Asian style enriched the “porphyry iron ore” model.
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