蔡国盛,李堂英,鲜绍军,杜蔺,衮民汕.贵州纳雍县小梁山铅锌矿地质特征及找矿前景[J].矿产勘查,2020,11(11):2391-2397 |
贵州纳雍县小梁山铅锌矿地质特征及找矿前景 |
Geological characteristics and prospecting potential of the Xiaoliangshan Pb-Zn deposit in Nayong County, Guizhou Province |
投稿时间:2020-06-28 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 铅锌矿 丫都-蟒洞构造带 矿物特征 找矿潜力 小梁山 贵州 |
英文关键词: Pb-Zn deposit, Yadu-Mangdong, mineral characteristics, prospecting potential,Xiaoliangshan, Guizhou Province |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(批准号: U1812402)及贵州省地勘基金项目(编号:TK2008-005, ZZKC2013-23)联合资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 2244 |
全文下载次数: 959 |
中文摘要: |
小梁山铅锌矿(资源量222.8 t)位于丫都-蟒洞铅锌成矿构造带的南东段,该成矿带位于我国重点成矿区带—川滇黔晚古生代、中生代铅锌银成矿带之黔西北铅锌矿集区内,已发现的铅锌矿体产在F1断裂带上,赋矿围岩为石炭系摆佐组中部白云岩、马平组下部的中-厚层灰岩、二叠系栖霞组上部的厚层灰岩。文章通过对矿区地质构造特征研究,认为该矿受丫都—蟒硐逆冲断裂构造控制,与断裂关系密切,矿石中方解石脉发育,黄铁矿少见,闪锌矿颜色偏浅,属于热液后期成矿,成矿温度较低。在矿区深部有利构造岩性段找矿潜力较大。 |
英文摘要: |
Xiaoliangshan lead-zinc deposit lies in the south east of the Yadu-Mangdong fault zone, which is an important metallogenic belt in South-west of China. The lead-zinc ore-body located in the ore-controlling structure F1 fault zone. The host rock is dolostone and limestone in the middle Carboniferous Baizuo group, Huanglong group and the lower Permian Qixia group. Calcite vein is developed in the ore. Less pyrite and light-color sphalerite are the important mineral characteristics. The Pb-zn ore belongs to the late hydrothermal metallogenic period and the ore forming temperature is relatively low. It is concluded that the possibility prospecting of future exploration lead-zinc deposits in the depth of explored mines in this area. |
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