Research on the automatic tracing algorithm of groundwater pollutants based on half space model and dispersion test
中文关键词: 弥散试验  半空间模型  地下水  污染物溯源
英文关键词: dispersion test, semi-space model, groundwater, pollutants tracing
王蕾 四川省地质工程勘察院集团有限公司, 四川 成都 610000 
张芳 四川省地质工程勘察院集团有限公司, 四川 成都 610000 
王成锋 四川省地质工程勘察院集团有限公司, 四川 成都 610000 
徐振飞 四川省地质工程勘察院集团有限公司, 四川 成都 610000 
摘要点击次数: 1504
全文下载次数: 617
      The selected research site is a porous site with groundwater pollution risk and a large number of monitoring boreholes. On this site, Using the relevant parameters through a dispersion test to calculate the maximum displacement and minimum displacement of pollutant transport. A half-space model is introduced to draw a circle with the center point of the pollution monitoring borehole and the suspected leaking device as the center, and the maximum displacement and minimum displacement as the radius, so as to define the pollution source range—OA and OB, preliminarily. Further, in order to narrow the scope of suspected sources of pollution, removing the upstream portion of OA and the downstream portion of OB by the utilization of the equal water level line as a dividing line, and using the expert experience and historical data to eliminate interference term. Finally, the algorithm is published as a service and applied to groundwater monitoring system to achieve the purpose of traceability. The results show that the automatic tracing algorithm of groundwater pollutants based on half space model and dispersion test in the target area has a good applicability for the identification of groundwater pollution sources. To a certain extent, it can avoid misjudgment caused by different professional experience of on-site personnel and provide sufficient time by taking rational measures.
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