Integration and application of quick exploration and assessment system for overseas mineral resources
中文关键词: 海外矿产资源  快速勘查评价体系  VMS型铜锌多金属矿床  埃塞俄比亚
英文关键词: overseas mineral resources, quick exploration and assessment system, VMS type Cu-Zn polymetallic deposit, Ethiopia
朱思才 中色地科矿产勘查股份有限公司,北京 100012 
张庆海 北京中资环钻探有限公司,北京 100012 
甘凤伟 鹏欣环球资源股份有限公司, 上海 200336 
秦秀峰 中国地质矿产有限公司,北京 100083 
陈德稳 北京中资环钻探有限公司,北京 100012 
马林霄 中色地科矿产勘查股份有限公司,北京 100012 
摘要点击次数: 1734
全文下载次数: 914
      随着我国国民经济的持续快速发展,对各种矿产资源的需求也大幅度增加,国内主要矿产资源存在品位低、贫矿多而富矿少、规模小等特点,人均占有的资源储量非常低。当前国内矿产资源供给很难满足国内高速发展的中国经济和人民生活质量提高之要求,因此矿产资源对外依存度不断上升,越来越多的企业走出去进行海外风险勘查及矿业项目并购,以便保障国家资源供给。加之当前我国注重生态环境建设,逐步淘汰落后的产能工业,因此国内矿业发展面临挑战。 “走出去”和“一带一路”境外资源勘查与开发已经形成共识。鉴于海外资源勘查不确定因素诸多,如政治风险,社区风险,矿业政策风险等,加之勘查项目周期长,勘查成本不断增加,因此海外资源勘查项目投资风险很高。如何在最短时间内,用最佳的找矿手段组合,用最少的投资,发现可供开发的经济矿床,是矿业投资者关心的问题。十多年来,中色地科公司先后在埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚、坦桑尼亚、老挝、美国和加拿大等国家先后进行自有矿权的风险勘查,构建了一套比较完整的海外矿产资源快速评价体系,取得了良好的找矿效果,并及时地将勘查成果转化为投资收益。该体系由遥感图像解译、大比例尺矿化带及蚀变带靶区填图、原位XRF土壤地球化学测量、物探低空航磁、IP、TEM及重力测量、深部钻探工程验证、三维地质模型创建及资源量估算等勘查手段构成,目前基本上形成天地空一体化海外快速勘查评价体系。该文首先介绍了该快速勘查评价体系勘查方法集成,并以埃塞俄比亚北部VMS型铜锌金银多金属矿床找矿的成功案例进行分析说明,以期为国内相关单位在境外资源勘查找矿参考。
      With the rapid sustainable development of Chinese economics, the needs for various of mineral resources are also increased. Due to the characteristics of low grade, small scale, more poor ore and less rich ore for the national deposits, and the per capita resources and ore reserves is relative lower than other advanced mining countries considering the large population in China, therefore, current supply of mineral commodities hardly meets the requirements of rapid economic development and the high life quality. So the external dependence on abroad mineral supply is increasing, and more and more enterprises and companies go abroad to conduct risk mineral exploration and mine project acquisition in order to guarantee the national resources supply. Due to uncertainties during the overseas risk mineral exploration, for example, political risk, local communities and mining policy risks etc., and also the long term of exploration process which will result in the high exploration cost, therefore, the overseas mineral exploration investment risk is high. How to achieve the best exploration results and discover the economic deposit in the short period, low cost using the best efficient combination of exploration techniques, is the focus of the exploration and mine investors. In the last decade, Sinotech company has carried out the overseas risk mineral exploration projects in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Laos, Eritrea, Chile, USA, Canada etc., and set up a quick mineral exploration and assessment system for overseas exploration projects, and achieved significant exploration results, and meanwhile, transferred the exploration achievement into the investment profit via western stock market. This set of exploration system consists of remote sensing interpretation, large scale outcrop mapping, in site portable XRF analysis of soil media, low altitude aeromagnetic survey, IP, TEM and gravity survey, surface diamond drilling and RC drilling, 3D geological modelling and orebody modelling as well as resources estimation of contained metals. Currently, it has been involved into the quick exploration and assessment system of Integration Technique of Space-Air-Ground”. This paper first introduces the components of quick mineral exploration and assessment system for overseas mineral resources exploration, then illustrated by the application of the integrated system in the exploration process for Terakimti VMS type copper-zinc multi metals deposit. The methods and exploration achievements can be taken as references for those companies conducting overseas mineral exploration activities.
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