Geological hazard risk assessment based on GIS and analytical hierarchy process in Gande County, Qinghai Province
中文关键词: 地质调查工程  地质灾害  危险性评价  层次分析  黄河流域  青藏高原  甘德县  青海省
英文关键词: geological survey engineering, geological hazards, risk assessment, analytical hierarchy process,Yellow River watershed,Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,Gande,Qinghai Province
段顺荣 青海省核工业地质局,青海 西宁 810000 
李延福 青海省有色第三地质勘查院,青海 西宁 810000 
李春阳 青海省水文地质工程地质环境地质调查院,青海 西宁 810000 
摘要点击次数: 1864
全文下载次数: 1025
      This article selects the disaster density, engineering activity, rainfall condition, property and the threat that the number 13 factors, such as to gander county 315 geological hazard points as sample data, establishing multi-level evaluation index system of geological hazard risk evaluation index system, evaluation index weight is obtained by using the analytic hierarchy process (ahp) empowerment method, based on the GIS platform using multi-factor synthetic method to calculate the gander county geological disaster risk and the partition. The results show that the geological hazards in Gande county are mainly low risk, accounting for 49.2% of the total area. The medium-risk area accounts for 24.7% of the total area; High risk areas accounted for 26.1% of the total area. High risk areas are mainly located along traffic roads and the left bank of the Yellow River, where human habitation is concentrated. Therefore, prevention and control schemes should be formulated according to local conditions. The assessment system of geological hazard risk based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in this paper has good applicability and has certain guiding significance for similar assessment of geological hazard risk in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region.
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