Uranium occurrences and its geological signi.cance in the Taoyuan uranium deposit in eastern Guangdong
中文关键词: 电子探针  铀的存在形式  矿石矿物组合  成矿环境  桃源铀矿床
英文关键词: electronic probe  uranium occurrence  ore mineral combination  metallogenic environment  Taoyuan uranium deposit
江卫兵 核工业二九〇研究所 广东 韶关 512029 
林坤 核工业二九〇研究所 广东 韶关 512029 
李海东 核工业二九〇研究所 广东 韶关 512029
东华理工大学核资源与环境国家重点实验室 江西 南昌 330013 
孙中瑞 核工业二九〇研究所 广东 韶关 512029 
彭渤洋 核工业二九〇研究所 广东 韶关 512029 
尹征平 核工业二九〇研究所 广东 韶关 512029 
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      Taoyuan deposit is a medium-sized hydrothermal uranium deposit,it located on the west side of the Changtang volcanic basin. The study of uranium mineral composition is of great signi.cance to enrich the genesis of the deposit. On the basis of detailed .eld and microscope observations, use electron probe analysis to study the occurrence state and mineral symbiosis combination of the ore-forming element uranium. The results show that uranium mainly existed as independent uranium minerals,mainly as pitchblende and co.nite, some as brannerite. Uranium ore has 5 di.erent mineral combinations: bituminous uranium-hematite-Uranium-rutile-chlorite combination, uranium-albite combination. The ore consist of microcrystalline quartz combination, bituminous uranium- uranium-purple black microcrystalline quartz combination, bituminous uranium- uranium-purple black .uorite combination, bituminous uranium-uranium-pyrite combination, titanium .ve kind mineral combination, the diversity of uranium ore mineral combination reflects the long-term and complex activity of hydrothermal .uid in the deposit, which also indicate the multiphases and variety of .uid composition. There are at least two periods of uranium mineralization. Alteration related with uranium mineralization are siliconization, hematization, purple-black .uoritization、pyritization, calcitization, sericitization and chloritization, etc.
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