Application of integrated technology of geology, geophysics and geochemistry to prospecting at the Xiniwusu Cu-Au deposit, Inner Mongolia
中文关键词: 矿产地质调查  地球物理  地球化学  找矿模型  西尼乌苏铜金矿区
英文关键词: mineral geological survey  geophysics  geochemistry  prospecting model  Xiniwusu Cu-Au deposit
王凯垒 华北地质勘查局五一九大队 河北 保定 071051
河北九华勘查测绘有限责任公司 河北 保定 071051 
刘冬冬 华北地质勘查局五一九大队 河北 保定 071051
河北九华勘查测绘有限责任公司 河北 保定 071051 
张家兴 华北地质勘查局五一九大队 河北 保定 071051
河北九华勘查测绘有限责任公司 河北 保定 071051 
李会恺 华北地质勘查局五一九大队 河北 保定 071051
河北九华勘查测绘有限责任公司 河北 保定 071051 
李敬华 华北地质勘查局五一九大队 河北 保定 071051
河北九华勘查测绘有限责任公司 河北 保定 071051 
刘春平 华北地质勘查局五一九大队 河北 保定 071051
河北九华勘查测绘有限责任公司 河北 保定 071051 
摘要点击次数: 1310
全文下载次数: 701
      Located in Alxa League, Inner Mongolia,Soil geochemical and geophysical methods were employed to investigate the comprehensive anomalies of the Xiniwusu Cu-Au deposit. Low resistivity and high IP anomalies with the geochemical anomalies of Cu Au of large scales with high intensity in the Xiniwusu Cu-Au deposit, and the deep anomaly tends to increase. The geophysical and geochemical anomalies in the mining area are well combined, and the corresponding surface rock silici.cation, malachitization and other alterations are strong. Combined with geological, geophysical methods and soil geochemical characteristics of the Xiniwusu Cu-Au deposit, propose a comprehensive prospecting model in the search for new orebodies. The subsequent geological veri.cation shows a good prospecting e.ect with several Cu-Au ore bodies. This integrated application of geology, geophysics and geochemistry provides an examples for this area.
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