Economic evaluation and analysis of iron ore deposit development and utilization—take the M1033 iron ore mine for example,Hami City, Xinjiang
中文关键词: 铁矿床  地质调查工程  地质特征  开发利用  经济性
英文关键词: iron deposits  geological survey engineering  geological features  development and utilization  economical e.ciency
赵建仓 酒泉钢铁集团有限责任公司矿业研究院 甘肃 嘉峪关 735100
甘肃省难选铁矿石资源利用重点实验室甘肃 嘉峪关 735100 
雷永顺 酒泉钢铁集团有限责任公司矿业研究院 甘肃 嘉峪关 735100 
吴雯辉 酒泉钢铁集团有限责任公司矿业研究院 甘肃 嘉峪关 735100 
陈立德 酒泉钢铁集团有限责任公司矿业研究院 甘肃 嘉峪关 735100 
赵冰 酒泉钢铁集团有限责任公司矿业研究院 甘肃 嘉峪关 735100 
温涛涛 酒泉钢铁集团有限责任公司 甘肃 嘉峪关 735100 
摘要点击次数: 1645
全文下载次数: 1058
      哈密市M1033铁矿为一中型磁铁矿床,位于新疆哈密市东南280 km处。矿床属于高温热液改造—沉积变质型磁铁矿床。以往人们研究较少,2005年后小规模间歇性开采至2015年后停产。由于矿床规模中型及市场铁矿石短缺,现已引起学术界、勘查界和矿业界关注。本文在矿床地质特征基础上,从矿山区位环境、开采技术条件、资源保障、采矿方法、矿石可选性五个方面进行系统分析,进而对该铁矿开发利用的经济性进行分析。采用经济评价方法之增量经济评价法进行评价,在拟设条件下,测算达产年利润总额为1915.1万元/a,净利润为1436.33万元/a,项目所得税后财务内部收益率为10.11%,高出行业基准收益率(行业基准收益率ic=10%)0.11%。本研究成果对区内同类矿山的开发利用评价和投资决策具有一定的参考意义。
      The M1033 iron ore deposit in Hami city is a medium-sized magnetite deposit located 280 km southeast of Hami City, Xinjiang. The deposit belongs to sedimentary metamorphic magnet deposit after high temperature hydrothermal transformation. In the past, there was little research. After 2005, small-scale intermittent mining stopped production until 2015, because of the medium size of the deposit and the shortage of iron ore in the market,which has attracted the attention of academic circles, exploration circles and mining circles. This paper based on the geological characteristics of the deposit, from the .ve aspects of mine location environment, technical conditions for mining, resource security, mining method, ore selection, and then the economy of development and utilization of an iron ore is discussed. The incremental economic evaluation method is used to evaluate the economy. Under the proposed conditions, when the iron ore mine and the iron ore dressing plant have reached their designed capacity, the income index is calculated, and the result is: the total pro.t is 19.151 million yuan /a, the net pro.t is 14.3633 million yuan /a, the .nancial internal rate of return after the project income tax is 10.11%, 0.11% higher than the industry benchmark rate of return (i=10%). The results of this study have certain reference signi.cance to the development and utilization and investment decision of similar mines in this area.
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