Numerical simulation of brine in the Luobei depression mining area, Salt Lake, Lop Nor
中文关键词: 罗北凹地  卤水  地质调查  数值模拟  流场预测
英文关键词: Luobei depression  underground brine  geological survey  numerical simulation  flow field prediction
王凌芬 中化地质矿山总局地质研究院, 北京 100101 
于咏梅 国投新疆罗布泊钾盐有限责任公司, 新疆 哈密 839000 
李博昀 中化地质矿山总局地质研究院, 北京 100101 
张凡凯 国投新疆罗布泊钾盐有限责任公司, 新疆 哈密 839000 
邓宇飞 中化地质矿山总局地质研究院, 北京 100101 
李文学 国投新疆罗布泊钾盐有限责任公司, 新疆 哈密 839000 
钦贺 国投新疆罗布泊钾盐有限责任公司, 新疆 哈密 839000 
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全文下载次数: 376
      罗北凹地钾盐矿区自开采以来地下卤水位持续下降,呈负均衡。目前的钾盐资源现状是资源储量难以长期满足当前钾肥生产规模的需求,对未来钾肥生产的可持续发展构成严重的隐患,进而威胁国家粮食安全。本文以罗北凹地钾盐矿区为研究区,通过建立基于GMS的地下卤水数值模型及预报模型,获得未来3年和5年地下卤水位变化动态及降深值。结果表明,与现状条件相比,研究区潜水水流方向总体上和初始流场形态基本一致,而承压水在开采井附近流场形态发生较大变化,出现明显的降落漏斗。经3年开采后,研究区潜水总体降深2~4 m左右,其中个别开采区中心的最大降深可达到6 m以上。降深面积分布较为广泛,开采区降深2 m以上区域面积达376.77 km2;开采5年后降深2 m以上区域面积达 718.60 km2。研究区承压水总体降深0~4 m左右,其中个别开采区中心的最大降深可达到10 m以上。降深面积分布较为广泛,开采区降深4 m以上区域面积达194.11 km2。而开采5年后降深4 m以上区域面积达338.00 km2。模拟结果可为矿区卤水资源管理和优化开采提供依据。
      The level of underground brine in the Luobei depression has been continuously declined since the extration and it reaches the negative balance in this area. In the long term, the sylvite reserves cannot satisfied the needs of potasium fertilizer production, which has great threat on the sustainable development of potussium fertilizer production and will indirectly has great impact on China’s food security. The study area in this article is the sylvite mining area in Luobei depression. Based on the numerical and prediction models via GMS software, the dynamic change of the underground water level and its drawdown in the next 3 and 5 years can be illustrate. The result of the simulation model shows that the flow direction of phreatic groundwater in the study area is in accord with the initial flow field nowadays; while the flow field distribution of confined aquifer near the exploration borehole change greatly compare to the present and predicts that it will form a significant cone of depression in the future. According to the simulation model, the detail result shows below. The average water level of the phreatic water will decrease about 2 to 4 meters compare to the present after 3-years extraction. The maximum drawdown for the ceter of some extration zone can be over 6 meters, respectively. The area of drawdown will be widely distributed. The area of the extraction zone with the drawdown over 2 meters, will be 376.77 km2 after 3-years extraction and change to 718.6 km2 after 5-years extration. While, the average water level drawdown of confined aquifer in the study area will decrease about 0 to 4 meters, while the maximum water level drawdown for the center of some extration zone can be over 10 meters, respectively. The area of drawdown will still be widely distributed. The area with drawdown over 4 meters will be 194.11 km2after 3-years extraction and will change to 338.00 km2after 5-year extraction. In the future, the simulation results in this article can be used as a reference for the management and optimization mining of brine resources.
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