Characteristics of soil pollution by heavy metal and ananlysis of pollution source of tailings pond of a certain gold mine
中文关键词: 尾矿库  土壤  重金属  污染特征  来源分析
英文关键词: tailing pond  soil  heavy metal  characteristics of pollution  analysis of source
郭钰颖 中色资源环境工程股份有限公司, 北京 100012 
陈鑫 中色资源环境工程股份有限公司, 北京 100012 
王树全 中色资源环境工程股份有限公司, 北京 100012 
摘要点击次数: 1631
全文下载次数: 398
      The heavy metals contained in the tailings are slowly released to the environment through the medium. When the heavy metals enter the soil environment, they will cause impacts on the surrounding soil and ecological environment and harm human health and safety. Taking a gold mine tailings pond as the research object, the soil heavy metal in the tailing pond basin was sampled to determine the current situation of heavy metal pollution in the tailing pond and surrounding soil, and the source and pollution characteristics of heavy metals were analyzed. Soil samples were taken from the tailing pond and its surroundings to test the contents of pH, cyanide, Sb, As, Cd, Cu,Pb, Zn, Hg sampling detection, and the pollution degree of heavy metals was analyzed and evaluated by single pollution index and nemero index method. At the same time, the principal component analysis was conducted to explore the formation causes and pollution characteristics of heavy metals in the soil of the tailings pond and surrounding areas. The results show that the topsoil samples in the inland area of tailings pond are heavily polluted, and the polluted area is mainly in the northeast side of the tailings pond, and the pollution range is large. The correlation of cyanide, Sb, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in different degrees indicates that these 6 elements have compound pollution or homology in different degrees in the study area. The main sources of heavy metal pollution are artificial sources such as ore mining and industrial activities. The adsorption and migration of As in soil are closely related to the pH value of soil. It is of great significance to investigate and analyze the soil pollution of tailings pond and find out the causes and characteristics of the pollution of tailings pond.
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