The occurrence and genetic mechanism of sulfide in the Yuanjiacun-Hugushan BIF iron deposit in Shanxi Province
中文关键词: BIF铁矿床  硫化物  赋存状态  硫同位素  袁家村—狐姑山  山西
英文关键词: BIF iron deposit  sulfide  occurrence  sulfur isotope  Yuanjiacun-Hugushan  Shanxi Province
蒋亚松 中南大学有色金属成矿预测与地质环境监测教育部重点实验室, 湖南 长沙 410083 
邓敏 中南大学有色金属成矿预测与地质环境监测教育部重点实验室, 湖南 长沙 410083 
刘飚 中南大学有色金属成矿预测与地质环境监测教育部重点实验室, 湖南 长沙 410083 
刘玉国 中南大学有色金属成矿预测与地质环境监测教育部重点实验室, 湖南 长沙 410083 
蒋江波 中南大学有色金属成矿预测与地质环境监测教育部重点实验室, 湖南 长沙 410083
长沙矿冶研究院有限责任公司, 湖南 长沙 410083 
杨学习 中南大学有色金属成矿预测与地质环境监测教育部重点实验室, 湖南 长沙 410083 
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      Sulfide in iron ore has significant impact on the beneficiation and smelting process. In order to determine the occurrence state, spatial distribution, source and genetic mechanism of sulfur in the Yuanjiacun-Hugushan deposit, field geological survey, microscopic identification, automatic mineral analysis (MLA) and sulfur isotope analysis were performed. The experimental results show that:(1)The sulfides in Yuanjiacun iron ore can be divided into four phases:sedimentation period, metamorphic period, diabase period and hydrothermal period, while the sulfides in Hugushan iron ore are mainly formed in sedimentation period, metamorphic period and hydrothermal period;(2)Sulfur in Yuanjiacun-Hugushan iron ore mainly occurs in pyrite, followed by chalcopyrite, magnetite, and a small amount of arsenopyrite and sulfate minerals;(3)The δ34S of each stage is near zero, indicating that it is mainly derived from source magma and sedimentation period may mixed seawater, indicating the mixed sources. Comprehensive analysis shows that the formation of sulfide in iron ore may be mainly related to submarine volcanic hydrothermal activity. The sulfide spatial distribution is mainly controlled by submarine volcanic hydrothermal activity, and enriched by multi-stage magmatic hydrothermal superposition, which may be related to regional metamorphism and widespread magmatic activity in the mining area.
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