Au-As-Sb geochemical anomaly association of the Tanjianshan gold deposit in the northern margin of Qaidam basin and its application of peripheral prospecting prediction
投稿时间:2021-02-25  修订日期:2022-09-30
中文关键词: Au-As-Sb组合  中低温热液型  成矿预测  滩间山金矿外围  柴北缘
英文关键词: Au-As-Sb assemblage  medium-low temperature hydrothermal type  metallogenic prediction  periphery of Tanjianshan gold deposit  northern margin of Qaidam basin
王进寿 青海省地质调查院 青藏高原北部地质过程与矿产资源重点实验室青海 西宁 810012 810012
安永尉 青海省地质调查院 青藏高原北部地质过程与矿产资源重点实验室青海 西宁 810012 810012
李鹏 青海省第一地质矿产勘查院青海 海东 810000 810000
朱传宝 青海省地质矿产勘查开发局青海 西宁 810008
青海省第三地质矿产勘查院青海 西宁 810029 
王莎 青海省第四地质矿产勘查院青海 西宁 810006 810006
王建国 青海大学地质工程系青海 西宁 810003 810003
周豪 青海大学地质工程系青海 西宁 810003 810003
摘要点击次数: 1212
全文下载次数: 507
      Au-As-Sb geochemical anomaly assemblages often indicate the front halo facies of ore bodies or the outcrop of shallow ore bodies in medium-low temperature hydrothermal gold deposits. For gold deposits with weak denudation, this combination of geochemical anomalies is conducive to guiding the discovery of shallow gold ore bodies in orogenic gold deposits. Different from the traditional geochemical exploration, which needs to test dozens of elements and process tens of thousands of data to delineate anomalies, in the study of the Tanjianshan gold mining area and peripheral stream sediments in the northern margin of Qaidam basin, the Au-As-Sb combination analysis method is used to delineate multiple geochemical anomalies, which significantly improves the efficiency of stream sediment exploration. At the same time, the R-type cluster analysis shows that there is a strong correlation between Au, As and Sb elements, which is consistent with the geological characteristics of the discovered Qinglonggou and Jinlonggou large-scale orogenic gold deposits, the ore mineral assemblage characteristics of natural gold + pyrite + arsenopyrite + (chalcopyrite + galena + sphalerite) in the main metallogenic period, and the vertical variation law of Au, As and Sb in the continuous metallogenic model of orogenic gold deposits, indicating that the occurrence depth of the stakes in this area is in the middle and shallow, indicating that the periphery and deep parts of the deposit have good prospecting prospects.
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