Application of anchor cable and pile wall in the treatment of fractured rock landslide: A case study of Huangyukou Village landslide
投稿时间:2023-04-12  修订日期:2023-06-20
中文关键词: 岩质滑坡治理  锚索  桩板墙  设计计算
英文关键词: control of rock landslide  anchor cable  pile wall  design and application
岳庆 华北地质勘查局综合普查大队河北 廊坊 102800 102800
张磊 华北地质勘查局综合普查大队河北 廊坊 102800 102800
孙瑞显 华北地质勘查局综合普查大队河北 廊坊 102800 102800
赵萌阳 华北地质勘查局综合普查大队河北 廊坊 102800 102800
李伟 华北地质勘查局综合普查大队河北 廊坊 102800 102800
摘要点击次数: 1082
全文下载次数: 647
      In the geological disaster control of rock landslide with double-layer potential sliding surface, there is a lack of such control measures before, so it is necessary to seek a control method. In this paper, a rock landslide with a potential double-layer weak zone in Yanqing District of Beijing is taken as an example to study the treatment method of landslide with potential double-layer sliding surface and broken rock. At present, the shallow sliding surface of the landslide has been dislocated, while the deep sliding surface has not been dislocated after monitoring. The sliding body of the landslide is also extremely broken dolomite with soft shale inside. Therefore, it is necessary to take treatment measures for shallow and deep shale weak zones. In the case of landslide treatment, it is very rare to find a double-layer sliding surface with a high degree of breakage. For this kind of landslide, cable lattice beam is used to anchor the sliding body on the shallow sliding surface to offset the residual sliding force and improve the integrity of the fractured rock mass. The pile plate retaining wall is used to stabilize the deep sliding surface and improve its initial anti-sliding force during displacement. This method can not only effectively control the shallow sliding surface, but also effectively prevent the initial displacement of the deep sliding surface.
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