李秋金,孙学娟,聂顺义,金鑫,吴志强.福建梅仙铅锌矿床流体包裹体研究[J].矿产勘查,2023,14(9):1570-1583 |
福建梅仙铅锌矿床流体包裹体研究 |
The fluid inclusions study on Meixian Pb-Zn deposit in Fujian Province |
投稿时间:2023-06-01 修订日期:2023-07-11 |
DOI:10.20008/j.kckc.202309003 |
中文关键词: 流体包裹体 氢氧同位素 火山成因块状硫化物矿床 梅仙铅锌矿 福建 |
英文关键词: fluid inclusion H-O isotope volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit Meixian Pb-Zn deposit Fujian Province |
基金项目:本文受华东有色投资控股公司新产业扶持项目“福建省梅仙矿田重要矿床成矿规律与三维找矿预测研究”([2020]107)资助. |
摘要点击次数: 831 |
全文下载次数: 544 |
中文摘要: |
梅仙铅锌矿床位于闽中裂谷带南段,是福建省大型铅锌多金属矿床。矿体赋存于新元古界东岩组变质岩中,呈层状、似层状,产状与围岩片理一致。尽管前人对梅仙矿的矿化特征、成岩成矿学、岩石学及矿床成因开展了较多研究,但对于该矿床成矿流体特别是流体包裹体研究非常薄弱。本文在系统的野外地质调查和样品采集的基础上,开展了详细的岩相学研究和成矿期次的划分,并进行了流体包裹体和氢氧同位素测试分析。研究结果显示,梅仙铅锌矿存在两期铅锌矿化,两期闪锌矿均以富液相包裹体型为主,晚期闪锌矿温度与早期闪锌矿相似,盐度略低于早期闪锌矿,可能与更多的大气降水混溶有关。晚期闪锌矿与伴生石英原生流体包裹体温度与盐度均一致。拉曼测试表明两期的闪锌矿与晚期石英流体包裹体的气相成分均为水蒸气,不含其他气体成分。这种流体包裹体数据与典型的火山成因块状硫化物矿的流体特征相一致,这一认识对该地区进一步找矿具有重要地质意义。 |
英文摘要: |
Meixian Pb-Zn deposit is located in south of the Minzhong rift zone, and it is a large scale Pb-Zn polymentallic deposit in Fujian Province. The orebodies with stratoid and stratiform shapes are mainly hosted within Neoproterozoic Dongyan Formation metamorphic rocks, and is controlled by surrounding rock schistosity. A large number of workers have focused on geological features, diagenetic and metallogenic geochronology, petrology, and ore genetic type of the Meixian Pb-Zn deposit, but reseaches about ore forming fluid, especially fluid inclusions on it still lacked. Our results showed two different stages of Pb-Zn mineralization. In the late stage, the predominant type of fluid inclusions is the liquid-rich type, but they are with analogical homogenization temperatures and lower salinities, indicating possible more component of meteoric waters. Homogenization temperatures and salinity between sphalerite and coexisting quartz veins of late stage are conformity. And that the main component of two different stages fluid is H2O, without other vapors, determined by Raman microspectmscopy.The identification of fluid verified the causation of Meixian Pb-Zn deposit, it belongs to a typical volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit.These results are of great significance for further exploration in this area. |
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