Carbon and oxygen isotopic characteristics and metallogenic mechanism of Dongchuan copper belt in Yunnan Province
投稿时间:2023-03-03  修订日期:2023-05-25
中文关键词: 东川铜矿  碳同位素  氧同位素  有机质  成矿机制
英文关键词: Dongchuan copper deposit  carbon isotope  oxygen isotope  organic matter  metallogenic mechanism
曾瑞垠 中色地科矿产勘查股份有限公司北京 100012
中色紫金地质勘查(北京)有限责任公司北京 100012 
王蒙* 山东省地质矿产勘查开发局第八地质大队山东 日照 276800 276800
王幻 北京矿产地质研究院有限责任公司北京 100012 100012
祝新友 中色紫金地质勘查(北京)有限责任公司北京 100012 100012
张雄 中色紫金地质勘查(北京)有限责任公司北京 100012 100012
王迪恒 中色地科矿产勘查股份有限公司北京 100012 100012
摘要点击次数: 936
全文下载次数: 609
      Dongchuan copper belt is located in Dongchuan Basin, Yunnan Province. It belongs to the layered copper belt containing deposits in sedimentary rocks. There are many types of iron copper bodies such as thin mine type, Dongchuan type, Taoyuan type, etc. In order to explore the metallogenic mechanism of Dongchuan copper belt, this paper analyzes the carbon and oxygen isotopes of various types of orebodies in Dongchuan copper belt and integrates the previous research results. It is found that the δ13C value of dolomite of the Xikuangshan type, Dongchuan type and Taoyuan type copper orebodys show a decreasing trend compared with the ore-bearing dolomite. The δ13C values of the inclusions of Dongchuan type copper bodies are -16.40‰ to -0.20‰, and that of Taoyuan type copper bodies are -18.40‰ to -4.20‰, and the δ13C values of the inclusions are obviously low. The characteristics of carbon and oxygen isotopes indicate that the carbon source of ore-forming fluid mainly comes from the dissolution of marine carbonate, followed by the oxidation and dehydroxylation of organic matter, which is involved in the mineralization. Ore-bearing brine migrated into the reducing dolomite of Louxue Formation and the carbonaceous slate of Heishan Formation, and redox reaction occurred with organic strata and organic fluids to form multilayer stratified copper deposits. The mineralization mechanism of Dongchuan copper belt is brine metasomatism mineralization in the basin.
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