Study on slope stability analysis and monitoring technology of open-pit molybdenum mine
投稿时间:2024-04-03  修订日期:2024-04-26
中文关键词: 露天采场  边坡稳定性  边坡雷达  边坡监测
英文关键词: open-pit mine  slope stability  slope radar  slope monitoring
张龙 伊春鹿鸣矿业有限公司黑龙江 伊春 152500 152500
摘要点击次数: 216
全文下载次数: 107
      There are generally hidden safety hazards in the slope of open-pit mines. In order to analyze the slope stability of an open-pit molybdenum mine, the adverse geological conditions and slope stability of the stope were studied by means of field investigation and numerical simulation. The results show that there are some bad geological conditions such as seepage points, cracks and collapse in some areas of the stope. The water level line of the east slope of the stope is high, and groundwater is the main factor affecting the stability of the slope. The slope of the stope is relatively stable as a whole, and there are hidden dangers in some areas. The slope radar and GNSS monitoring equipment are used to form a dual dynamic real-time monitoring system, which can monitor the slope in real time all day and predict the landslide disaster, so as to escort the safe production of the mine.
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