Study on stability analysis of typical slope of a limestone mine
投稿时间:2023-04-04  修订日期:2024-04-30
中文关键词: 新建露天矿山  简单平面滑动  楔形体破坏  极限平衡法  终了边坡
英文关键词: new open-pit mine  simple plane sliding  wedge failure  limit equilibrium method  end slope
陈恒宇 中安国泰(北京)科技发展有限公司北京 101318 101318
尹永明 中国安全生产科学研究院北京 100012 100012
陈钢华 江西特种电机股份有限公司江西 宜春 336399 336399
王一帆 中安国泰(北京)科技发展有限公司北京 101318 101318
喻盛祥 江西特种电机股份有限公司江西 宜春 336399 336399
摘要点击次数: 197
全文下载次数: 121
      Taking a newly-built open-pit mine in Sichuan Province as an example, a typical hazard design profile is selected and comprehensively evaluated by stereographic projection analysis, simple plane sliding analysis, wedge failure analysis and limit equilibrium method. in order to provide reference for the design of high and steep slope of similar newly-built mines. The results show that the cutting of the rock structural plane has a great influence on the slope, and the weathered mudstone at the top of the slope can not be mined beyond the boundary due to the limitation of the mining area boundary, so the wedge failure may occur and the mining scheme in this area needs to be further adjusted; the local stability of the slope top of the typical section does not meet the requirements of the specification, and the structural parameters of the final slope need to be further adjusted in order to ensure the safety of mine production.
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