Slope radar application in slope monitoring of lakeside open pit mine
投稿时间:2024-04-03  修订日期:2024-04-26
中文关键词: 边坡雷达  临湖露天矿山  边坡稳定性  监测预警
英文关键词: slope radar  lakeside open pit mine  slope stability  monitoring and early warning
温经林 中国安全生产科学研究院北京 100012
中安国泰(北京)科技发展有限公司北京 102209 
张小军* 江西省应急管理科学研究院江西 南昌 330000 330000
侯杉山 中安国泰(北京)科技发展有限公司北京 102209 102209
张世佳 中安国泰(北京)科技发展有限公司北京 102209 102209
黄家新 江西铜业股份有限公司城门山铜矿江西 九江 332100 332100
蔡璋 江西铜业股份有限公司城门山铜矿江西 九江 332100 332100
摘要点击次数: 215
全文下载次数: 112
      为分析某临湖露天矿山边坡稳定性,借助边坡雷达对临湖露天边坡实时监测,基于合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量技术获取边坡变形信息,采用无人机对边坡进行航测,获取临湖边坡表面影像数据和数字高程模型,将SAR图像与地形数据进行几何映射三维匹配。监测结果显示,目前主要形变区域位于西部边坡-10 m到58 m,分析该区域边坡位移变化趋势,表明边坡整体处于相对稳定状态,近期大规模滑坡风险不大。实践表明边坡雷达监测系统具有高适用性和可靠性,能够有效判别边坡稳定性状态,识别潜在滑坡区域等,对临湖边坡的安全高效开采具有重要的现实意义。
      In order to analyze the stability of a lakeside open-pit mine slope, real-time monitoring of the lakeside open-pit slope is achieved using slope radar. Deformation information of the slope is obtained based on the differential interferometric measurement technology of synthetic aperture radar. A drone is used for aerial photography of the slope to obtain surface image data and digital elevation models of the lakeside slope, and SAR images are geometrically matched with topographic data in 3D. The monitoring results show that the main deformation area is currently located on the western slope from -10 m to 58 m. Analysis of the slope displacement trend in this area indicates that the slope is in a relatively stable state and does not pose a risk of large-scale landslides in the short term. Practice shows that the slope radar monitoring system has high applicability and reliability, can effectively determine the stability status of the slope, identify potential landslide areas, etc., and has important practical significance for the safe and efficient mining of the lakeside slope.
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