Discussion prospecting prospect of the eclogite type rutile deposit in east Kunlun
投稿时间:2022-12-11  修订日期:2023-02-03
中文关键词: 榴辉岩  金红石  找矿前景  东昆仑
英文关键词: eclogite  rutile  prospecting prospect  east Kunlun
张勇 青海省第三地质勘查院青海 西宁 810029 810029
李泽峰 青海省第三地质勘查院青海 西宁 810029 810029
刘国燕 青海省第三地质勘查院青海 西宁 810029 810029
赵永亮 青海省第三地质勘查院青海 西宁 810029 810029
丁兆滨 青海省第三地质勘查院青海 西宁 810029 810029
摘要点击次数: 652
全文下载次数: 304
      东昆仑地区在苏海图—夏日哈木、大格勒—五龙沟、浪木日上游—尕之麻及温泉等地发现有榴辉岩出露,断续构成了长约500 km的高压变质岩带,为分析东昆仑高压变质岩带有无类似于柴北缘超高压变质岩带鱼卡式超大型榴辉岩型金红石矿床,本文选择上述地区榴辉岩开展了化学成分分析和钛矿物物相分析研究。研究结果显示:东昆仑榴辉岩具有高钛型榴辉岩与低钛型榴辉岩两类,其TiO2含量为0.39%~3.00%,具有形成金红石矿床的物质基础;TiO2主要赋存于榍石相中,次为钛铁矿相,金红石相中的TiO2含量相对不高,最高含量仅为0.28%,占比为21.7%。结合前人研究成果,综合分析认为:东昆仑金红石含量不高的主要原因是该地区榴辉岩的折返速率较缓慢,但都兰地区浪木日—克合特一带可能与柴北缘鱼卡式金红石矿床形成条件较为相似,具有金红石矿成矿的潜力。
      In the East Kunlun region, eclogite has been found in Suhaitu-Xiami-Hamu, Dagele-Wulonggou, upper reaches of Langmuri - Gazhma and Wenquan, forming a high-pressure metamorphic rock belt with a length of about 500 km intermittenly. in order to analyze that the high-pressure metamorphic rock belt in East Kunlun does not have an ultra-large eclogite type rutile deposit similar to the ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rock belt in the northern margin of Qaidam, in this paper, the eclogite from the above area is selected for chemical composition analysis and titanium mineral phase analysis. The results show that east Kunlun eclogite has two types: high titanium eclogite and low titanium eclogite with TiO2 content ranging from 0.39% to 3.00%, which has the material basis for forming rutile deposit. TiO2 mainly existed in the sphenite phase, the second was ilmenite phase, and the TiO2 content in the rutile phase was relatively not high, the highest content was only 0.28%, accounting for 21.7%. Combined with previous research results, the comprehensive analysis shows that the main reason for the low rutile content in East Kunlun is the slow return rate of eclogite in this area, but the Langmuri-Kehete area in Dulan area may have similar forming conditions to the Yuka type rutile deposit, which has the potential for rutile mineralization.
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