Metallogenic geological condition and prospecting direction of the fluorite deposit in Guangshui-Hong'an Area, Hubei Province
投稿时间:2022-09-22  修订日期:2023-05-04
中文关键词: 萤石矿  矿床特征  成矿地质条件  找矿方向  广水—红安  湖北
英文关键词: fluorite deposit  geological characteristics of the deposit  metallogenic geological condition  prospecting direction  Guangshui-Hong'an area  Hubei Province
周新 湖北省地质局第六地质大队湖北 孝感 432000 432000
尤静静 湖北省地质局第六地质大队湖北 孝感 432000
资源与生态环境地质湖北省重点实验室湖北 武汉 430034 
邹院兵* 湖北省地质局第六地质大队湖北 孝感 432000 432000
陈松 湖北省地质局第六地质大队湖北 孝感 432000
资源与生态环境地质湖北省重点实验室湖北 武汉 430034 
杨年浩 湖北省地质局第六地质大队湖北 孝感 432000 432000
徐加林 湖北省地质局第六地质大队湖北 孝感 432000 432000
方洁 湖北省地质局第六地质大队湖北 孝感 432000 432000
摘要点击次数: 788
全文下载次数: 349
      Guangshui-Hong'an area is one of the important fluorite metallogenic belts in Hubei Province. In order to find new orebodies and identify the key factors on controlling orebodies. Based on the field investigation and the study on the metallogenic geological background, geological characteristics, metallogenic geological conditions and metallogenic law of the fluorite deposit in this area, it is believed that the fluorite deposit in this area is controlled by the regional deep NW-trending faults, and the orebodies and veins are mainly distributed along the late superimposed NW-trending faults. The surrounding rocks are mainly marble and dolomitic quartz schist of the Hong'an group. The genesis of the Yanshanian medium acid intrusive rock is most closely related to fluorite deposit. The most direct prospecting indication are the NE-trending fracture zones with hydrothermal alteration such as silicification, barittization and fluorite mineralization. The deep area of the known ore deposit, the similar structural fracture zone with mineralization anomaly and the secondary structural zone of the Xincheng-Huangpi fault in the northwest direction are the main prospecting directions. This study can provide theoretical support for further fluorite exploration in this area.
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