郭刚,倪杰才,张平,张文杰,李建旭.辽宁二道沟金矿床重磁深部构造探测与找矿研究[J].矿产勘查,2024,15(9):1571-1592 |
辽宁二道沟金矿床重磁深部构造探测与找矿研究 |
Exploration and prospecting of gravity and magnetic deep structure in Erdaogou gold deposit, Liaoning Province |
投稿时间:2024-08-29 修订日期:2024-09-10 |
DOI:10.20008/j.kckc.202409003 |
中文关键词: 二道沟金矿床 深部构造成矿研究 重磁深部构造解释 重磁三维反演 |
英文关键词: Erdaogou gold deposit deep tectonic metallogenic research gravity and magnetic deep structure interpretation gravity and magnetic three-dimensional inversion |
基金项目:本文受中国黄金集团2018年矿山科研项目 “内蒙古金厂沟梁—辽宁二道沟金矿田成矿系统研究及找矿预测项目”([2018]16号)资助。 |
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中文摘要: |
本文通过重磁异常定性分析、重磁三维反演物性模型计算,对二道沟金矿床及外围深部构造进行解释,矿区及外围为火山断陷盆地,基底为花岗岩地层,断陷盆地由两个相对独立的二道沟(矿区)火山洼及北部大北沟火山洼地组成;结合区域构造及已知矿产地质资料进行深部构造成矿研究,研究了二道沟金矿床矿体与岩体及深层断裂的空间关系,判断二道沟金矿床与燕山后期酸性花岗岩相关,主要控矿岩脉受火山盆地和北东向深层断裂控制;二道沟金矿床成因是在厚大且相对封闭的火山盆地,深部酸性岩体热源和物质通过深部构造通道在火山洼地断裂构造附近富集成矿;依据二道沟金矿床主要矿体成因研究结果,提出了二道沟火山洼地、大北沟火山洼地和基岩隆起区3个找矿有利地段,找矿以深层断裂及其次级断裂为探测对象。 |
英文摘要: |
Through qualitative analysis of gravity and magnetic anomalies and calculation of gravity and magnetic three-dimensional inversion physical property model, the Erdaogou gold mining area and its surrounding deep structure are explained. The mining area and its periphery are volcanic faulted basins with granite basement. The faulted basin consists of two relatively independent Erdaogou volcanic depression and the northern Dabigou volcanic depression. The spatial relationship between Erdaogou gold vein, rock mass and deep fault is studied based on regional structure and known mineral geological data. It is concluded that Erdaogou gold vein is related to late Yanshan acid granite, and the main ore-controlling vein is controlled by volcanic basin and NE-trending deep fault. The origin of Erdaogou gold deposit is in the thick and relatively closed volcanic basin, the heat source and material of deep acidic rock mass are enriched and metallogenic near the fault structure of volcanic depression through deep structural channels. According to the research results of the main gold vein genesis of Erdaogou gold deposit, three favorable areas for ore prospecting are proposed: Erdaogou volcanic depression, Dabigou volcanic depression and bedrock uplift area. |
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