姚鹏,李光明,石洪召.里伍式铜矿是火山成因块状硫化物矿床还是变形-变质矿床?——兼论成矿作用在矿床成因分类中的重要意义[J].矿产勘查,2024,15(11):2031-2047 |
里伍式铜矿是火山成因块状硫化物矿床还是变形-变质矿床?——兼论成矿作用在矿床成因分类中的重要意义 |
Liwu-style copper deposit: Is it a volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit or a deformation-metamorphic deposit?——On the importance of metallogenesis in the genetic classification of ore deposits |
投稿时间:2024-09-10 修订日期:2024-11-07 |
DOI:10.20008/j.kckc.202411006 |
中文关键词: 里伍式铜矿 火山成因块状硫化物矿床 变形-变质矿床 |
英文关键词: Liwu-type copper deposit volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit deformation-metamorphic deposit |
基金项目:本文受中国地质调查局项目“全国海陆矿产资源图件编制更新”(DD20221696)和全国危机矿山接替资源找矿项目“四川里伍铜、泸沽铁矿矿床成矿规律总结研究”(20089952)联合资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 86 |
全文下载次数: 29 |
中文摘要: |
地处中国四川甘孜州九龙县与凉山州冕宁县接壤的雅砻江溿的里伍式铜矿,在大地构造上处于青藏高原东部边缘的龙门山—锦屏山逆冲推覆带后缘,由伸展拆离作用形成的江浪穹隆中。作为中国产于前寒武系铜矿之一的里伍式铜矿以其矿石的高品质而著称,并冠以“里伍式富铜矿”。但在矿床成因类型归属上一直存在争论:是属于火山成因块状硫化物矿床还是变形-变质矿床?本文概述了该类铜矿的地质构造背景和成矿地质作用。在此基础上,分析了矿床的成矿物质来源。最后,通过各成矿地质作用在时、空上与成矿地质体的关系,研判认为火山-沉积作用为铜矿的形成提供了重要的成矿物质来源,而变形-变质作用是形成里伍式铜矿的主要成矿作用。若仅考虑成矿地质作用及成矿地质体,里伍式铜矿应视为具有火山成因硫化物矿床特征的与大型变形构造有关的变质岩型矿床。研究成果对指导区域上该类富铜矿床的找矿具有重要的实际意义。 |
英文摘要: |
The Liwu-type copper deposit, located at the junction of Jiulong County in Sichuan’s Garze Prefecture and Mianning County in Liangshan Prefecture, bordering the Yalong River, is structurally positioned at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, in the trailing edge of the Longmenshan-Jinping Mountain thrust nappe belt, formed within the Jianglang dome by extensional detachment. As one of the copper deposits in the Precambrian strata in China, the Liwu-type copper deposit is celebrated for its high-quality ore and is termed the “Liwo rich copper deposit.” Nevertheless, there has been ongoing controversy regarding its deposit genesis type: is it a volcanic massive sulfide deposit or a deformation-metamorphic deposit? This article summarizes the geological structural background and metallogenic geological processes of this type of copper deposit. On this basis, the source of the ore-forming materials is analyzed. In the end, by assessing the relationship between various metallogenic geological processes in terms of time and space and the metallogenic geological body, it is judged that volcanogenic-sedimentary processes provided a significant source of ore-forming materials for the formation of the copper deposit, while deformation-metamorphism is the primary metallogenic process for the formation of the Liwu-type copper deposit. Considering only the metallogenic geological processes and the metallogenic geological body, the Liwu-type copper deposit should be considered a metamorphic rock-type deposit associated with large-scale deformation structures, bearing the characteristics of volcanic genesis sulfide deposits. This holds important practical significance for guiding the exploration of this type of rich copper deposit in the region. |
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