Geological characteristics and metallogenic regularity of lithium-rare metal deposits in Hunan-Jiangxi region
投稿时间:2024-07-26  修订日期:2024-12-09
中文关键词: 湘赣地区  蚀变花岗岩型  锂稀有金属矿床  空间分布  成矿规律
英文关键词: Hunan-Jiangxi region  altered granite type  lithium rare metal deposit  spatial distribution  metallogenic regularity
方平 江西省地质局工程地质大队江西 南昌 330029 330029
姚鹏 中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心四川 成都 610218 610218
鄢新华 江西省地质局物化探大队江西 南昌 330025 330025
熊宽 江西省地质局工程地质大队江西 南昌 330029 330029
赖长洁 江西省地质局工程地质大队江西 南昌 330029 330029
摘要点击次数: 80
全文下载次数: 34
      Lithium is an important rare metal in the field of new energy,which has been widely recognized and applied in China. As a result, demand is growing. This is more and more demanding for prospecting in the geological and mineral industry. The Hunan-Jiangxi region is located at the junction of the Yangzi Ancient Plate and the Cathaysian Ancient Plate, and is an important distribution area of lithium resources. The type of mineral deposits is mainly altered granite type, and the mineralization ages are mostly Yanshan period. The distribution of lithium deposits is related to tectonic-volcanic activities. The highly evolved granite at the top and edges often undergoes greisenization, albitization, etc. The higher the degree of evolution and differentiation, the more concentrated the rare metals such as lithium are. By sorting out the lithium and rare metal deposits in the region, the geological characteristics of the deposit and the metallogenic regularity have been summarized, and six deposit metallogenic series have been divided. It has a certain guiding significance for the next phase of mining in the area.
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