Comprehensive identification of natural gas/hydrate genesis types and gas sources in the northern continental margin basins of the South China Sea
投稿时间:2024-08-27  修订日期:2024-10-24
中文关键词: 南海北部  天然气/水合物成因类型  气源构成特征  综合判识
英文关键词: northern South China Sea  types of natural gas/hydrate genesis  characteristics of gas source composition  comprehensive identification
姚永坚 中国地质调查局广州海洋地质调查局广东 广州 511458 511458
何家雄* 中国科学院大学北京 100049 100049
徐行 中国地质调查局广州海洋地质调查局广东 广州 511458 511458
苏丕波 广州海洋地质调查局三亚南海地质研究所海南 三亚 572024 572024
鞠东 中国地质调查局广州海洋地质调查局广东 广州 511458 511458
关进安 中国科学院天然气水合物重点实验室广东 广州 510640 510640
摘要点击次数: 67
全文下载次数: 17
      天然气/水合物成因类型及气源判识是天然气/水合物成藏系统研究的核心和关键要素,亦是天然气/水合物勘探目标评价预测的主要依据。本文在前人研究及近年所获大量油气勘探成果与丰富油气地质资料的基础上,通过对南海北部大陆边缘盆地天然气/水合物成因类型及其气源构成特点与分布特征的系统分析总结与综合研究,发现生物气及亚生物气广泛分布莺歌海盆地、琼东南盆地及珠江口盆地(浅水/深水)浅层(<2300 m),其气源供给主要来自上中新统及上新统与第四系海相沉积有机质;油型气主要分布于北部湾盆地、琼东南盆地北部及珠江口盆地北部浅水区,属油田伴生气,其气源供给与油田群一样,均来自始新统中深湖相偏腐泥混合型烃源岩;成熟—高熟煤型气与高熟—过熟混合型天然气主要分布于莺歌海盆地、琼东南盆地及珠江口盆地南部等区域,前者气源主要由渐新统煤系及浅海相陆源偏腐殖烃源岩和中新统海相陆源偏腐殖型烃源岩供给,后者则主要来自盆地宽深断陷高熟—过熟始新统—中新统不同类型生源母质烃源岩之贡献。天然气水合物主要分布于琼东南盆地南部/西南部及珠江口盆地东南部陆坡深水区海底浅表层,综合判识其成因类型为生物气为主的混合型,即以生物气为主,混有深部深层热解气重要贡献,局部区域存在热解气水合物成因类型。该研究成果将为油气(水合物)富集区评价预测和下一步勘探部署决策等,提供一定的指导与参考借鉴。
      The identification of the genetic types and gas sources of natural gas/hydrates is the core and key element of the study of natural gas/hydrate reservoir systems, and also the main basis for evaluating and predicting exploration targets of natural gas/hydrates. On the basis of previous studies and a large number of oil and gas exploration achievements and rich oil and gas geological data obtained in recent years, through systematic analysis, summary and comprehensive research on the genetic types of natural gas/hydrate and its gas source composition and distribution characteristics in the northern continental margin basin of the South China Sea, it is found that the biogenic gas and sub biogenic gas are widely distributed in the Yinggehai Basin, Qiongdongnan Basin and the Pearl River Mouth Basin (shallow water/deep water) shallow layers (<2300 m), and their gas supply is mainly from the Upper Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary marine sedimentary organic matter; The oil type gas is mainly distributed in the Beibu Gulf Basin, the northern Qiongdongnan Basin and the shallow water area in the northern the Pearl River River Mouth Basin, which belongs to the associated gas of the oil field. Its gas supply is the same as that of the oil field group, and it comes from the Eocene mid deep lacustrine mixed sapropel hydrocarbon source rock; Mature high mature coal type gas and high mature over mature mixed type natural gas are mainly distributed in Yinggehai Basin, Qiongdongnan Basin and the south of Pearl River Mouth Basin. The former gas source is mainly supplied by Oligocene coal measures and shallow marine terrigenous partial humic source rocks and Miocene marine terrigenous partial humic source rocks, while the latter is mainly contributed by different types of source rocks of high mature over mature Eocene Miocene in wide and deep fault depression of the basin. Natural gas hydrates are mainly distributed in the south/southwest of Qiongdongnan Basin and the shallow seabed in the deep-water area of the continental slope in the southeast of the Pearl River River Mouth Basin. It is comprehensively recognized that the genetic type of natural gas hydrates is a mixed type dominated by biogas, that is, it is dominated by biogas, mixed with important contributions of deep and deep pyrolysis gas, and there is a genetic type of pyrolysis gas hydrates in local areas. This research result will provide certain guidance and reference for the evaluation and prediction of oil and gas (hydrate) enrichment areas, as well as the decision-making of the next oil and gas (hydrate) exploration deployment.
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